Der aus Stahl gefertigte Adapter von Law Tactical ermöglicht die Installation eines Klappschaftes an jedem Standard AR-15, um ein Gewehr mit kleinerem Profil für den problemlosen Transport in einem Fahrzeug oder in anderen engen Umgebungen zu schaffen. Der Adapter arbeitet mit Standard AR Gassystemen und ist passend für A2, Mil-Spec M4-Style und Commercial Buffertubes. Die Ein-Knopf-Bedienung ermöglicht ein schnelles Ein- und Ausklappen und die Stahlverriegelung hält die Komponenten im ausgeklappten Zustand sicher an ihrem Platz.
Die Generation M3 hat ein abgesenktes Scharnier, um Störungen beim Laden der Waffe zu vermeiden und eine Stellschraube hält den Adapter sicher am Receiver. Die Scharnierspannung ist einstellbar, so dass Sie wählen können, wie steif der Klappmechanismus ist Standard-Bufferpin und eine Feder. Der Schaftadapter ist mit einer DLC-Beschichtung versehen.
Rechtliche Bestimmungen beachten!
Noch mehr Informationen und eine Anleitung zum Einbau gibt es in dem folgenden Produktvideo:
Auf Lager
Lieferzeit ca. 14-21 Werktage. Mehr als 10 Stk. im Lager USA
Lieferzeit ca. 14-21 Werktage. Mehr als 10 Stk. im Lager USA
Law Tactical's steel adapter enables installation of a folding stock on any AR-15 to create a smaller-profile rifle for easy deployment from a vehicle or transport in non-permissive environments. Works with standard gas impingement OR gas piston system. Accepts A2, mil-spec M4-style, and commercial carbine receiver extension tube and almost any stock that fits them. Compatible with all standard bolt carrier groups, including full-auto and .308 size. Single-button operation for quick folding and unfolding and steel locking latch keeps stock securely in place when extended. Gen3-M has a lowered hinge to avoid interference when charging the weapon, and a setscrew keeps the adapter securely affixed to the receiver. Hinge tension is adjustable so you can choose how stiff the folding mechanism is. Includes special bolt carrier extension (no tools to install/remove). Current version utilizes standard buffer retaining pin and spring. Stock adapters feature a DLC coating. View additional product information Will only work with compatible Centerfire and Mil-Spec carriers, or compatible AR 9mm Bolts.
SPECS: Machined 4140 steel, DLC finish, matte black. Adds 1.3" (3.4cm) to length of pull. 8.5 oz. (241g) wt. Do not fire rifle with stock folded.
Montiere einen zusammenklappbaren Stock auf jedes AR-Muster-Gewehr!
Der Stahladapter von Law Tactical ermöglicht die Installation eines zusammenklappbaren Stocks auf jedem AR-15, um ein kompakteres Gewehr zu schaffen, das sich leicht aus einem Fahrzeug entnehmen oder in nicht erlaubten Umgebungen transportieren lässt. Funktioniert mit Standard-Gasimpingement- oder Gaspiston-Systemen. Akzeptiert A2, mil-spec M4-Stil und kommerzielle Karabiner-Empfängerverlängerungsrohre sowie fast jeden Stock, der zu ihnen passt. Kompatibel mit allen Standard-Bolzenträgergruppen, einschließlich Vollautomatik- und .308-Größe. Ein-Knopf-Bedienung für schnelles Falten und Entfalten, und der Stahlverschluss hält den Stock sicher an Ort und Stelle, wenn er ausgeklappt ist. Gen3-M hat ein abgesenktes Scharnier, um Störungen beim Laden der Waffe zu vermeiden, und eine Setschraube hält den Adapter sicher am Empfänger befestigt. Die Scharnier-Spannung ist einstellbar, sodass du wählen kannst, wie straff der Faltmechanismus ist. Enthält spezielle Bolzenträgerverlängerung (keine Werkzeuge zum Installieren/Entfernen erforderlich). Die aktuelle Version verwendet einen Standard-Puffer-Retaining-Pin und eine Feder. Stock-Adapter verfügen über eine DLC-Beschichtung. Weitere Produktinformationen. Funktioniert nur mit kompatiblen Centerfire- und Mil-Spec-Trägern oder kompatiblen AR 9mm Bolzen.
Der aus Stahl gefertigte Adapter von Law Tactical ermöglicht die Installation eines Klappschaftes an jedem Standard AR-15, um ein Gewehr mit kleinerem Profil für den problemlosen Transport in einem Fahrzeug oder in anderen engen Umgebungen zu schaffen. Der Adapter arbeitet mit Standard AR Gassystemen und ist passend für A2, Mil-Spec M4-Style und Commercial Buffertubes. Die Ein-Knopf-Bedienung ermöglicht ein schnelles Ein- und Ausklappen und die Stahlverriegelung hält die Komponenten im ausgeklappten Zustand sicher an ihrem Platz.
Die Generation M3 hat ein abgesenktes Scharnier, um Störungen beim Laden der Waffe zu vermeiden und eine Stellschraube hält den Adapter sicher am Receiver. Die Scharnierspannung ist einstellbar, so dass Sie wählen können, wie steif der Klappmechanismus ist Standard-Bufferpin und eine Feder. Der Schaftadapter ist mit einer DLC-Beschichtung versehen.
Rechtliche Bestimmungen beachten!
Noch mehr Informationen und eine Anleitung zum Einbau gibt es in dem folgenden Produktvideo:
TECHNISCHE DATEN: Aus 4140 Stahl gefertigt, DLC-Beschichtung, matt schwarz. Fügt 1,3" (3,4 cm) zur Längenverstellung hinzu. 8,5 oz. (241 g) Gewicht. Rifle nicht mit zusammengeklapptem Stock abfeuern.
Top Takeaways
Der Law Tactical Adapter ermöglicht die Installation eines Klappschaftes an jedem Standard AR-15 für einfacheren Transport.
Die Generation M3 hat ein abgesenktes Scharnier zur Vermeidung von Ladeproblemen und eine einstellbare Scharnierspannung.
Der Adapter ist aus 4140 Stahl gefertigt, hat eine DLC-Beschichtung und wiegt 8,5 oz. (241g).
Oberfläche:Flat Dark Earth
System Type:
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.y.1
Kundenbewertungen (37)
4,3 / 5
Nicht empfehlenswert
Not good quality 30.08.2018
I tried installing this on an Anderson lower, after watching the video 2 times. The nut that attaches the folder to the lower started in just fine, then it stopped. It would not seat deep enough to re-insert the bolt block. I tried to back it out. The cheap piece of junk wrench bends. The nut is made of aluminum, so it started to strip the notches that the wrench fits into. So basically, I've taken a functional rifle, and ruined the lower because of the cheap nut and tool supplied by Law Tactical.
I'm sending this back.
Wenig empfehlenswert
It Folds To Left 29.05.2018
For its price point there are alternatives. This folds to left. Not a major issue if your packing it away in a case but to sling folded its not for a righty. This does not shoot when folded where I prefer Dead Foot Arms.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Great Addition to Tactical/Patrol AR 08.02.2018
Installed on my Bushmaster XM3 I have used for past 12 years for LE work, installed easily with help from Brownell's video on installation. I can now easily put rifle in Pelican M4 carbine case with the folding stock. Utilize the quick release connection at base of unit for single point sling. Nice accessory to have flexibility on where I can put the rifle
Sehr empfehlenswert
Best Folder for AR Right HERE! 13.12.2017
I have this on Many of my Modern Sporting Rifles.
The Law Tactical AR-15/M16 Gen3-M Folding Stock Adapter Will now be on all of my new rifle builds,And for good reason.
It makes my AR Pistol small enough for a backpack.
This means I don't have to listen to idiot Subaru drivers wailing and gnashing their teeth when they see me open carry.
I have noticed many of the idiots writing reviews don't know how to read the directions for this product.READ THE DIRECTIONS.It works perfect WHEN USED AS DIRECTED.
I have used mine heavily,And they all work flawlessly.
This is a great product,Buy several.
Saw a few youtubeber talking this item up and I needed something to make my AR pistol fit in my travel bag without it looking like a gun. Enter Law Tactical Folder, with the help vid from brownells I was almost able to install this on my couch. This thing is sturdy and not hard to install. Most tools needs are about two Allen wrenches and a buffer tube wrench. Took it to the range the next day, fired from the close, unfolded the stork, racked the spent case and loaded the other round and I was in business. A great addition to my AR pistol.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Handy to have a folding stock AR15. 18.09.2017
I never realized how handy a folding stock on an AR can be...installed this on my latest build and I like it. The overall length folded is a little over 26"...it fits perfectly in a 30" UTG rifle case (whose shape and blue color scheme doesn't scream 'gun'). The adapter was really not much more difficult to install than a buffer tube (pretty straight forward with the provided instructions). Tool for tightening the nut into the lower is provided...you reuse the stock buffer tube plunger and spring. After installation the tension can be adjusted with a small Allen wrench to prevent it from flopping open. The finish is very good and the adapter is both heavy (as in 10 oz.) and heavy duty (as in durable). It's lighter than many of the tactakool ding dongs people like to hang off an AR (that aren't ever used). The price is in line with the high quality of the adapter...in most things, the cheaper the price of something the cheaper the quality of that something will usually be. I feel it's an addition with a useful purpose.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Completed my breakdown AR pistol! 24.08.2017
Easy install and seems to be sturdy. Definity happy with my purchase.
Bedingt empfehlenswert
Not Really Useful 02.06.2017
So I bought this a while ago to use for a pistol build. It's great for folding up into a compact package for travel, but that's it. It's heavy and bulky, and if you're not careful with how you use the charging handle, you can rip off a finger nail. One thing I did not consider until after use was how there isn't a complete seal for the gas in comparison to a traditional tube. The opening in the latch is not air-tight, allowing hot gas to go into your face after each shot. I would not recommend this unless you really need to have a way to fold your pistol/SBR build.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Have you thought this through? 16.05.2017
It is heavy, which you can notice before opening the box! That said it is also expensive! For most users this would simply be a non-justifiable gimmick. Now the good: It is well made! Engrave whatever message you want the world to remember you by because after the catastrophic event that is your demise from either terrorist, animal, or alien, this is one item that will be recovered intact. It will shift the center of balance for your weapon rearward. I believe the best use of this device is on a full size DMR that is carried slung and muzzle down on your back/shoulder to reduce the stock catching on brush, vines, or wires/junk or to ease transport in a vehicle. If it came stock on a government issued weapon, most folks would be going to a collapsible/telescoping stock to save the weight and in patrolling/stalking situations where your weapon must be at the ready or is front slung, it is superfluous. I originally got this to optimize the packability/concealment of a 300blk pistol but will instead put it on a heavy barreled battle rifle then reevaluate for the pistol. I am a 31 year retired Special Forces guy and am not generally concerned about a few ounces if it earns its way. Under certain circumstances this device is absolutely perfect for shortening a weapon. If you hunt with a 308 AR and backpack into rough country where you need your hands free for negotiating obstacles you will praise the day you added it to your weapon and a few ounces will not be noticed. If your weapon goes from vehicle to bench rest it will provide convenience and sure looks cool. However, of all the things to spend your money on perhaps increasing your optics budget will return more satisfying performance results. BTW, I should get mine back from the engraver later this week :-) P:S: It is on the pistol and the weight was easily absorbed without distraction. Great for transportability but still too expensive as it cost more than a complete upper receiver.
Wenig empfehlenswert
Very nice but hate the writing on side 02.04.2017
Its really nice and locks up tight. works well and great for showing an SBR in a backpack. I just HATE how the writing really stands out. Im sick of my guns looking like billboards. This SBR now has LAW TACTICAL writing on it, LaRue on the mount, Vortex on the scope, BCM on the upper, 300 blackout on the upper, BCM on the BCG...Theres so much white writing everywhere its distracting. I wish these companies would stop. I know it shouldn't matter but it does. Whatever happened to good ol Colt who just engraves and thats it.
Other than that its nice. The other reason I put two stars is there just isnt really a need for it and I worry it won't hold up to abuse. I wouldn't put it on a work gun but great for hiking/hunting.
Great service from Brownells as usual.
Must remove extension button 07.03.2017
you must remove extension button before separating upper and lower receiver, as the button extends into stock adapter. You first must fold stock then remove button. Once you remove the button the adapter works like charm.
***Remember to reinstall button after putting the upper and lower receiver back together.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Well Made 18.02.2017
Obviously well made item. It will not work on lefthand eject AR's that have the forward assist.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Awesome! 10.02.2017
. I've alway thought it be nice to have a product that would allow you to fold your AR stock or buffer tube. Well this product allows this to happen. Its a high quality product. I am very impressed with how solid and sturdy the adapter locks up. It was easy to install and easy to exchange one upper to another. No wobble what so ever. Highly recommend this product. 5 star on quality and function. However, l feel the price is alittle outrages but there are no other products out there that can do what this adapater can do so well...
After l installed the product,the adapater worked so well that l didnt even think of the cost...ln other words money well spent..
Sehr empfehlenswert
Great Product 08.02.2017
I am using this product on a 300 BO pistol build. I've combined this product with DOLOS and BLADE products to create the ultimate conceal carry package. With 10.5 inch barrel, the longest dimension is about 11.5 inches, which provides a variety of conceal carry options. This configuration will fit inside a small LAPD tactical bag.
This makes a great truck gun.
No misfires with about 100 rounds (150-220 grain).
Product is sturdy, well built and as always, Brownells service is excellent.
Sehr empfehlenswert
AWESOME 02.02.2017
I put this on a Battle Arms forged lower. The fit and function is awesome. No play or wiggle when engaged. Solid lock-up and perfect alignment. The weight added to the weapon is nearly unnoticeable. Would be great on an Short Barrel Rifle. Highly recommended to anyone looking to compress the length of a rifle for storage.
Bedingt empfehlenswert
Not compatible with Magpul UBR 31.01.2017
If you have Magpul UBR stock, it does not completely fold.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Usefull for easier transport 31.12.2016
I have tried this product and also one of the very compact stock designs for AR. Both have limitations but overall I am beginning to like this design better. Big thing for me is that the rifle feels the same as regular AR compared to the very short length of pull with the compact stocks.
Price is a bit steep for it's limited functionality but I if there was similar low cost option with less quality, I would still choose this one. You have to have exceptional quality parts with this design so it will not cause problems with the functioning of the rifle.
Sehr empfehlenswert
If only it would lock folded... 14.12.2016
I like it but wish it would lock when folded. Otherwise, very well engineered product.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Best concealment option 30.11.2016
The folding stock allows me to get my 7.5" barrel ar down to just under 19 inches. This makes my backpack carry options almost limitless. I carry in a swiss gear laptop backpack and nobody even gives it a second look. FYI this unit CAN be fired in the folded position, and there are videos that prove it. It is not able to cycle as semi auto, but you can get one shot off, unfold the stock, cycle the action, and resume normal operation. The one think i will say is, if you run an end plate with a sling loop, the end plate may come into contact with the folder body close to the fully folded position, and prevent it from fully closing. It kept mine from closing the final 1/2". Needless to say, removal of the loop allows full functionality.
Overall, a solid and functional upgrade 22.10.2016
It's a nice piece; well-made/designed and uses quality materials. Unfortunately, it didn't work with my full mass jp enterprises .308 bcg because the hole in the end of that bolt carrier is smaller than normal size and the Law Tactical bcg extension bit that comes with this item was too large in diameter to slip inside it. Law Tactical offers a smaller extension for $28, or they will swap out one for the other free of charge (which is a nice gesture, to be sure). There is a wee bit of play in the hinge of mine which cannot be dialed out by tightening the hinge, hence the loss of one star. That notwithstanding, it's a welcome addition to the AR upgrade market.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Spendy 26.08.2016
Nope, not cheap. But, I've gotta say, it's awesome. No problems with reliability of firearm and super convenient to be able to fold the stock.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Perfect on motorcycle day 20.07.2016
Now AR pistol fits perfectly in storage compartment on motorcycle.
Well made & engineered.
Brownells is absolutely great to deal with, lifetime satisfaction guarantee instills confidence.
The only problem is I need 3 more.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Great and well built adaptor 17.06.2016
Bought this and install it to my AR built by simply following the video instruction from Brownells. Very easy to install and works exactly as the advertisement says. I will buy another one for my other AR 22 built.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Well built 31.05.2016
I have purchased a few of these and have found all of them to be the highest quality. They allow me to carry my rifle in a discreet bag while maintaining the ability to rapidly deploy the rifle. I have suffered no malfunctions since the installation of my first one and find them to be durable. I would highly recommend if you're wanting to make your SBR even smaller for transportation reasons.
Sehr empfehlenswert
This adapter is machined from steel and is extremely well made. The quality makes it more than worth full price. It provides a tight lockup when open, and greatly reduces weapon size for transport. Also, it counters the barrel heaviness that AR's have. You will notice the center of balance move back on the rifle. Note also that it will add 2" to the length of pull, so you may want to slide the telescoping butt forward one position.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Rifle failed to cycle 31.03.2016
Recently purchased this product for an SBR build. Installation was easy and straightforward. However, at the range, it did not allow the bolt carrier to cycle easily, The BCG seemed to hang up while passing through the Law folder. Bolt was stiff while trying to manually lock back the bolt (seemed to take much more effort to pull to the rear). Removed the hinge upon returning home. There did not appear to be excessive play in the hinge. The rifle would fire one round and then fail to cycle, and the forward assist had to be used to close the bolt.
few issues not covered in other reviews 22.03.2016
This thing is beautiful. The unit makes the rifle much easier to transport, and is built to last. With that being said. I only have one problem with the unit. It will not fit a low mass BCG. There is a lot of play. I can take it out and put it back in without depressing the retaining pin. You would think that with the variety of BCG that ARs are now being produced that the company would be able to make larger diameter carrier extensions. I call the company talked with one of the guys there. I told him my situation, and the solution is not to my par. He want me to put Teflon tape that can withstand the extreme temperatures. I have a tack driving custom built AR and PLAY is not in my vocabulary. I think the best thing for me to do is to mill myself a new extension lighter and larger than the one that was provided. Make it a low mass extension with the middle of it drilled out to save weight.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Law tactical folding stock adapter 06.03.2016
For starters yes, this is an expensive part for what many would consider a novelty function on AR15 type rifles. That being said for anyone that needs a smaller profile than even an SBR can give you this is an excellent option. For professionals that need to discreetly carry an AR on them, in a bag, in a vehicle or just to reduce the storage profile you should seriously consider this. It's strock locks up solidly with no play. Doesn't affect the rifles performance at all. The only problems that I've noted is that field stripping and assembly of the rifle is a little more difficult and the QD attachment on the bottom has the tendency to eject my QD sling sometimes when I'm locking it into firing position. If you do any PSD work or military or law enforcement special operations take a look at this.
Sehr empfehlenswert
GREAT! 12.02.2016
Great product! Yes there is a little wiggle and when i say a little i mean very little, its normal. Perfect functionality. While yes he is correct you cant use it folded , you can technically fire a single round that is chambered but it is not recommended because it can cause damage. Its fairly obvious you cant shoot it repeatedly when folded when you install it if you know how the AR platform works. Worth every penny if you ask me. Great buy.
High quality product for a unique AR 14.01.2016
I installed this on the third lower I have built from Brownell's video instruction series, supplemented with their video on the folding stock adapter - http://www.brownells.com/.aspx/lid=17065/GunTechdetail/Law-Tactical-AR-15-M16-Gen-3-M-Folding-Stock-Adapter.
There are two cautions that I would add. If you are building an AR lower, be sure to install the take-down pin with its detent and spring before you attach the adapter to the lower. The adapter forms the back plate to capture the take-down pin detent spring in the receiver body. For this reason, you do not need a back plate on your buffer tube assembly, if one was installed or came with your buffer tube assembly.
The second caution is that to separate the lower from the upper, you must remove both the take-down and the pivot pins, then tilt the muzzle slightly upward and move it forward to allow the bolt carrier extension to clear the adapter, where it is attached to the lower. You cannot remove the bolt carrier group or the charging handle with the stock folded open to expose the BCG extension. You must remove both pins to separate the upper and lower. Alternatively, you could remove the bolt carrier extension with the stock folded open and open the firearm normally by removing the take down pin and pivoting the upper away from the lower, then removing the pivot pin, but this will induce wear on the o-rings that seal the extension inside the bolt carrier.
I have not fired my new-build yet, but the adapter appears sturdy and well suited to purpose, which is to reduce the length of the firearm for transport.
Wenig empfehlenswert
Don't see the point 28.12.2015
So, I installed one of these on an AR I put together for a client. Yes, it is well made. I think it's probably very sturdy. I have a few major complaints, though. First, you can not shoot the gun with the stock folded. Because of this, you are paying almost $300 just to make the rifle shorter while eliminating functionality. If you have a side-attaching sling on the left side of the buffer tube, you can not fold the stock all the way. Also, there is no way to lock the stock in the folded position. When we picked up our gun with the stock folded, it just fell open. Finally, you can not use this with a 1-piece buffer and spring like those sold by JP. I just don't think you get enough value to justify the price.
SOLID BUT... 13.10.2015
solid item. looks great and does what it is supposed to do. only problem is that it DOES NOT WORK WITH THE JP SILENT BUFFER. the silent buffer is absolutely necessary for my perfectly tuned "cap gun quiet" 300BLK SBR.
i had to return this.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Sturdy, reliable and useful 29.09.2015
I've shot 3 rifle/3Gun matches and a 3Gun class with this adapter installed on a LWRCI piston AR, 16" bbl, about 550 rounds so far with no problems. It makes it easy to transport in any number of small, discreet covers like the "racquet" diversion bag pictured. It's a little stiff out of the box but a tiny bit of grease had it working smoothly. Does add a little weight, but not really noticeable as it's right in front of the stock. Love it.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Sturdy, well made, a cool product 28.08.2015
Saw this on the Net some time ago, could not find it in stock anywhere. Received an ad from Brownells it was in Stock, ordered it then and there. Expensive, but functions perfectly. Have been building an AR pistol for over a year with the SIG arm brace, decided I wanted to give this a try. Well the only con I can think of is, it doesn't lock in the folded position, but that is really stretching. Functions well, solid, but a very small bit of wobble, but this is a pistol not a precision rifle build. I really like it and would recommend it to anyone who wants to reduce the overall length of their AR for transport and storage. One point, because it doesn't lock when folded it deploys extremely fast and locks up solid, so firing it from the closed position is really not relevant and necessary at all.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Law Tactical AR-15/M16 Gen3-M 25.08.2015
Law Tactical hit a home run with their Gen3-M Folding Stock Adapter! The unit works as good as it looks and the careful thought, quality and workmanship that goes into these units are very apparent. Brownells quickly sent my Law Tactical out after ordering and everything arrived exactly as it should. Decided to order extra parts for my new Gen3-M from the Law Tactical website and was pleasantly surprised to get a call directly from Law Tactical's customer service dept. shortly thereafter. They just wanted to make sure if I was getting the buffer retainer pins and springs for the older versions of the Folding Stock Adapter or if I had the newer Gen3-M. Told them I had the Gen3-M and they stated that I didn't need them and they took care of removing them from my order for me per my request. How's that for customer service!! That to me, is what and how customer service should be!! Thank you Brownells and Law Tactical for making me a very satisfied customer!!
Sehr empfehlenswert
Awesome product 08.01.2015
High quality materials and function and great for storage/concealment. Coolest AR accessory I've seen in a while. Highly recommend. Only con is availability.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Great Product 03.11.2014
Just what I needed for my AR15. A little on the pricey side but you get what you pay for.
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Entdecke den LAW TACTICAL AR-15 GEN3-M Klappschaftadapter! 🚀 Perfekt für den einfachen Transport und eine sichere Handhabung.
Dieses Produkt unterliegt der Aufsicht der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und ist ausschließlich für den Export in das Bestimmungsland zur Verwendung durch den endgültigen Empfänger oder Endverbraucher, der beim Kauf festgelegt wird, bestimmt. Dieses Produkt darf ohne vorherige Erlaubnis der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika oder einer autorisierten US-Behörde über den endgültigen Empfänger oder Endverbrauchers hinaus nicht wiederverkauft, übertragen, oder in einer anderen Weise in Drittländer oder an Dritte überlassen werden. Dies gilt auch dann, wenn die Artikel verbaut bzw. in einen anderen Artikel integriert wurde.
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Das Flansch-Installationswerkzeug ist wiederverwendbar und speziell für den Law Tactical Klappschaft-Adapter entwickelt.
Es besteht aus einem massiven Stück wärmebehandeltem Kohlenstoffstahl für hohe Stärke und Langlebigkeit.
Mit einem 3/8" quadratischen Antrieb kannst du es problemlos mit Drehmoment-Schlüsseln verwenden.
Die TekMat Ultra 20 Pistol Cleaning Mat ist wasserdicht, kratzfest und waschbar.
Sie enthält Diagramme und eine Teileliste, die dir hilft, deine Waffe einfach zu zerlegen und wieder zusammenzubauen.
Die Matten sind für verschiedene Modelle wie 1911, Beretta 92 und Glock Gen 4 erhältlich.
Konvertiere deine AR-15 zum .22lr Selbstlader und trainiere kostengünstig mit der gewohnten Konfiguration.
Das CMMG Bravo Conversion Kit ist ein Drop-In System, das in jede standard AR-15 passt und aus Edelstahl gefertigt ist.
Verwende langsame Sub-Sonic Munition, um dein Abzugsverhalten zu überprüfen und Fehler im Trefferbild sichtbar zu machen.
Der MOE-K2+ bietet eine verstärkte Polymer-Konstruktion mit einer komfortablen Gummibeschichtung.
Der steilere vertikale Griffwinkel verbessert den Komfort und die Kontrolle bei kurzen LOP-Gewehren.
Er akzeptiert optionale Speicherkernen zur Aufbewahrung von Ausrüstung und kommt mit einer einfachen Kappe.
Hochwertige Ersatzfedern für dein AR-15, die präzise gefertigt sind.
Ideal als Notfall-Ersatzteile oder für den Zusammenbau eines Teile-Gewehrs.
Erhältlich einzeln oder im praktischen 3er-Pack.
Robuste CNC-Aluminiumhalterung für mehr Stabilität und längere Lebensdauer.
Effizientes Hülsenauffangsystem mit starkem elastischen Käfig und praktischem Reißverschluss.
Einfache Montage auf den meisten Feuerwaffen mit Picatinny- oder Weaver-Schienensystem.