852005002356 Konvertiere deine AR-15 zum .22lr Selbstlader und trainiere kostengünstig deine Fähigkeiten.
Mit dem .22lr AR Bravo Conversion Kit (Einstecksystem) von CMMG kannst du deine AR-15 auf das Kaliber .22lr umrüsten. Der große Vorteil, du kannst so mit sehr kostengünstiger Munition trainieren und dass mit deiner gewohnten Konfiguration - Schaft, Abzug, etc. alles bleibt wie gewohnt.
Das Conversion-Kit kommt mit deutschem Beschuss und wird als Drop-In System gefertigt. Es passt in jede standard AR-15 (.223 / 5.56) ohne weitere Modifikation. Für eine längere Haltbarkeit sind alle wesentlichen Teile aus Edelstahl gefertigt. Eine verschleißfreie Funktion kann so gewährleistet werden. CMMG empfiehlt für eine reibungslose Geschosszuführung die Verwendung von Rundkopfgeschossen. Wir haben persönlich sehr gute Erfahrungen mit CCI Velocitor, CCI Mini Mag und Federal HV Copper Copper Plated gemacht.
Wusstest Du schon? Durch die Verwendung von langsamer Sub-Sonic Munition kannst Du sogar in gewissem Grad Dein Abzugsverhalten überprüfen. Bei der Verwendung dieser Munition werden Fehler – wie Verreißen oder Mucken – im Trefferbild sichtbar. Die Munition passiert so langsam den Lauf, dass Fehler im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes zu sehen sind.
Kompatibilität: Funktioniert mit Standard AR-15 Systemen mit direkter Gaseinleitung (Direct Gas Impingement). Nicht kompatibel mit Gaskolbensystemen (Gas Piston Systems) sofern der Kolben nicht entfernt wurde. Nur für den Einsatz in 5.56 NATO / .223 Rem AR-15 Systemen.
Eine detaillierte Einbauanleitung mit weiteren Angaben zum Conversion-Kit findest du unter dem folgenden Link (PDF): https://bit.ly/2GE6SQK
Du bist dir noch nicht sicher und brauchst mehr Informationen? Dann schau dir diesen Bericht auf all4shooters an: https://bit.ly/2tkh2Ok
Und ein Video zu diesem Wechselsystem findest du hier:
Hinweis: Dieses System kommt mit deutschem Beschuß! Auch für Händlerkunden.
Bitte §6 AWaffV bei Verwendung zum sportlichen Schießen beachten.
Auf Lager
Lieferzeit ca. 14-21 Werktage. 9 Stk. im Lager USA
Lieferzeit ca. 14-21 Werktage. 9 Stk. im Lager USA
Use Economical .22 LR Ammo To Practice More & Hone Critical Shooting Skills
Drop-in .22 LR conversion system comes fully assembled and ready to install in any semi-auto AR-15 to help you practice critical shooting skills with economical rimfire ammunition. Helps you concentrate on improving grip, sight alignment, trigger pull, and other skills without burning up expensive centerfire ammo. Simply replace the rifle’s bolt and carrier with the Bravo .22 LR conversion unit, load up the included magazine with round-nose .22 LR ammo, and you're ready to shoot. Precision machined from high-grade stainless steel for reliable function in any mil-spec AR-15 rifle or carbine chambered in 5.56mm NATO, including most gas piston systems. Note: CMMG recommends Federal 36 grain plated round-nose ammunition for best performance. Works best with round-style AR-15 hammers; notched hammers can cause function problems.
Note: For Direct Gas Impingement AR-15's. Not compatible with Gas Piston Systems without removing the piston. Only for use in 5.56 NATO chambered AR-15 rifles.
Verwenden Sie wirtschaftlich.22 LR Munition zur Praxis mehr & Fähigkeiten kritische Dreharbeiten
Konvertiere deine AR-15 zum .22lr Selbstlader und trainiere kostengünstig deine Fähigkeiten.
Mit dem .22lr AR Bravo Conversion Kit (Einstecksystem) von CMMG kannst du deine AR-15 auf das Kaliber .22lr umrüsten. Der große Vorteil, du kannst so mit sehr kostengünstiger Munition trainieren und dass mit deiner gewohnten Konfiguration - Schaft, Abzug, etc. alles bleibt wie gewohnt.
Das Conversion-Kit kommt mit deutschem Beschuss und wird als Drop-In System gefertigt. Es passt in jede standard AR-15 (.223 / 5.56) ohne weitere Modifikation. Für eine längere Haltbarkeit sind alle wesentlichen Teile aus Edelstahl gefertigt. Eine verschleißfreie Funktion kann so gewährleistet werden. CMMG empfiehlt für eine reibungslose Geschosszuführung die Verwendung von Rundkopfgeschossen. Wir haben persönlich sehr gute Erfahrungen mit CCI Velocitor, CCI Mini Mag und Federal HV Copper Copper Plated gemacht.
Wusstest Du schon? Durch die Verwendung von langsamer Sub-Sonic Munition kannst Du sogar in gewissem Grad Dein Abzugsverhalten überprüfen. Bei der Verwendung dieser Munition werden Fehler – wie Verreißen oder Mucken – im Trefferbild sichtbar. Die Munition passiert so langsam den Lauf, dass Fehler im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes zu sehen sind.
Kompatibilität: Funktioniert mit Standard AR-15 Systemen mit direkter Gaseinleitung (Direct Gas Impingement). Nicht kompatibel mit Gaskolbensystemen (Gas Piston Systems) sofern der Kolben nicht entfernt wurde. Nur für den Einsatz in 5.56 NATO / .223 Rem AR-15 Systemen.
Eine detaillierte Einbauanleitung mit weiteren Angaben zum Conversion-Kit findest du unter dem folgenden Link (PDF): https://bit.ly/2GE6SQK
Du bist dir noch nicht sicher und brauchst mehr Informationen? Dann schau dir diesen Bericht auf all4shooters an: https://bit.ly/2tkh2Ok
Und ein Video zu diesem Wechselsystem findest du hier:
Hinweis: Dieses System kommt mit deutschem Beschuß! Auch für Händlerkunden. Bitte §6 AWaffV bei Verwendung zum sportlichen Schießen beachten.
Hinweis: direkte Gas Impingement AR-15 ' s. Nicht kompatibel mit Gas-Kolben-Systeme ohne den Kolben zu entfernen. Nur für Einsatz in 5,56 NATO AR-15 Gewehre gekammert.
Abgabe nur an Inhaber von Waffenbesitzkarte oder Waffenpass - Versand nicht möglich(https://www.brownells.at/Info-Waffenkauf)
Top Takeaways
Konvertiere deine AR-15 zum .22lr Selbstlader und trainiere kostengünstig mit der gewohnten Konfiguration.
Das CMMG Bravo Conversion Kit ist ein Drop-In System, das in jede standard AR-15 passt und aus Edelstahl gefertigt ist.
Verwende langsame Sub-Sonic Munition, um dein Abzugsverhalten zu überprüfen und Fehler im Trefferbild sichtbar zu machen.
Kaliber:22 Long Rifle
Oberfläche:Stainless Steel
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.c
Kundenbewertungen (22)
4,5 / 5
Sehr empfehlenswert
perfekte Ergänzung um kostengünstig zu schießen ! 18.07.2022
funktioniert bisher störungsfrei in meiner 10.5" mit und ohne Schalldämpfer. Kann ich bei diesen Munitionspreisen jeden AR Besitzer wärmstens empfehlen !
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Awesome! 22.09.2018
Got it out of the package, few drops of lube and off I went. Had one misfire in the first 100 rounds. Probably the ammo. Flawless other than that. Loads of fun to shoot rapid fire plus knowing the ammo is relatively cheap, though I can see me going through a few bricks in no time. Great being able to shoot my favorite AR at a much reduced cost. Mags are a little stiff but I'm sure that will work itself out. I have shot both Remington and Federal bulk copper coated ammo with no problems. For what it's worth a friend got one too and shot Winchester White Box and had a load of trouble. All and all love this thing!
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Well worth the money! 18.09.2018
A+ on shipping! Ordered Thursday afternoon. Shipped the next day (Friday) Arrived at my house four days later on the Tuesday after Labor Day. Impressive Brownells!
Looked good out of the box, and after reading the pamphlet that came with it, I cleaned, lubricated and inserted it into my Radical Firearms SOCOM 5.56 upper. Unfortunately, the bolt wouldnât properly seat all the way forward. The brass chamber collar couldnât clear the chamber entrance.
Obviously I wasnât going to force it, and even gentle pushing wouldnât seat it. I then tried it in my Radical Firearms 300BO upper since the cartridge chamber is identical in size, and it wouldnât seat there either.
My last hope was to try it in a Stoner 5.56 upper I have, and this time it fit perfectly. So Iâm not sure if itâs the Radical upper or the bolt itself. Iâve opened a case with cmmg tech support and I guess weâll see.
Out to the range w it and the CCi ammo I bought. I only bought the CCi because I could try out the high velocity as well as the subsonic from the same maker.
I put a bunch of rounds downrange and it works like a champ! Out of the 100 rounds (1/2 sub & 1/2 super) there were:
⢠NO Fail to feed
⢠NO Fail to eject
⢠NO Double feeds
(I did shoot a few CCI Quiet 22LR and as expected they required manual ejection due to their only being rated at 730fps.)
So far this is a quality kit for a great price ($153 shipped w 3 mags) and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to let their AR do double duty!
********Of Note*******
I heard back from CMMG tech support and they are aware of the fitment problem with some uppers, and sent me (free) a replacement chamber adapter that they say is the fix. And it was the fix! As you can see from the photo the replacement (on right side) chamber adapter collar is stainless, not brass, and itâs fixed permanently to the chamber âpipeâ.
It fit perfectly in the Radical Firearms 556 upper, and performed as expected when I fired half a dozen suppressed test rounds in the back yard.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Well worth the price! 06.09.2018
A+ on shipping! Ordered Thursday afternoon. Shipped the next day (Friday) Arrived at my house four days later on the Tuesday after Labor Day. Impressive Brownells!
Looked good out of the box, and after reading the pamphlet that came with it, I cleaned, lubricated and inserted into my Radical Firearms SOCOM 5.56 upper. Unfortunately, the bolt wouldnât properly seat all the way forward. The brass chamber collar couldnât clear the chamber entrance.
Obviously I wasnât going to force it, and even gentle pushing wouldnât seat it. I then tried it in my Radical Firearms 300BO upper since the cartridge chamber is identical in size, and it wouldnât seat there either.
My last hope was to try it in a Stoner 5.56 upper I have, and this time it fit perfectly. So Iâm not sure if itâs the Radical upper or the bolt itself. Iâve opened a case with cmmg tech support and I guess weâll see.
Out to the range w it and the CCi ammo I bought. I only bought the CCi because I could try out the high velocity as well as the subsonic from the same maker.
I put a bunch of rounds downrange and it works like a champ! Out of the 100 rounds (1/2 sub & 1/2 super) there were:
⢠NO Fail to feed
⢠NO Fail to eject
⢠NO Double feeds
AND for those of you using a suppressor, there were zero problems cycling the bolt with CCi 22lr hp subsonic ammo (1050 FPS) and a carbine length gas tube on my Stoner.
So far this is a quality kit for a great price ($153 shipped w 3 mags) and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to let their AR do double duty!
********Of Note*******
I heard back from CMMG tech support and they are aware of the fitment problem with some uppers, and will be sending me (free) a replacement chamber adapter that they say is the fix.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Absolute piece of JUNK 04.09.2018
I usually measure my rimfire groups with a caliper at 50 yards. This would have required a yardstick! Can you even call that a group?
I would have settled for an 8" group and just used it for moving practice but over 24" (how much over I don't know because some rounds didn't even impact the back stop). Unusable.
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Quality product 10.08.2018
Great finish
Easy install
Cheaper to shoot
Get to use my AR more
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A .22 conversion kit that works!!!! 08.08.2018
I have been super-impressed with the function of this kit. Seems to tolerate a wider variety of .22 LR ammo than other units I've owned or had exposure to. I've been running this in an AR pistol and was amazed at how little the point of impact changed at 100 yards going from 5.56 X 45 to .22 LR. The fit, finish, and quality of construction are very good.
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Bravo SS 22LR Conversion Kit w/3-25 rd 22.07.2018
This Conversion works very well and is easy to install. Much better than buying some cheap 22 AR. Can be used in the same AR that you have customized and is very helpful for training purposes. Also better than a Dedicated upper since it costs much less.. Very good craftmanship and works. Good Deal from Brownells with the 3 mags and discounts. I tried about 4 different makes of 22 ammo and all worked without any porblems. Also locks back after last round.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Awesome Kit 06.06.2018
I read a lot of reviews on this kit, some good, some bad. I found one kit at the gun show for $285 (bravo kit, 1 mag). Brownells had the bravo kit w/3, 25rd mags on sale and with the free shipping and promo I got it for just over $160, thanx Brownells. Shipping was fast, got here a day early. As with any new toy and being a big kid, I had to try it out. Right out of the package it slid in like a champ. Loaded 10rds in each mag and went to town, not one problem. No FTfeed, fire, or eject. I shot Federalâs HV, 36g, copper plated, HP rounds from their 550rd value pack. As of tonight my baby girl has eaten 150+ rounds with no issues. Iâll be doing some different range target shoots down at the creek in the near future to check for accuracy. So far I like this kit and feel itâs worth taking the plunge if youâve been thinking about it. I had to put occasional shooter because Iâm not military anymore. Navy, GMG1, Ret.
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Way too much fun 06.04.2018
I read and watched lots of reviews on these CMMG conversion kits and purchased it with some hesitation. Call me crazy, but straight out of the box I through the BCG into the toaster oven to heat it up and properly applied Frog Lube. I wiped it down afterwards and took it to the range the next day, no oil or grease. After 250+ rounds of Thunderbolt, TAC, and Blazer, not a single FTF, stove pipe, or anything bad. The thing just ran smooth as silk. I even tried resting on the magazine and tilted both forward and backward to try and cause a feeding issue.. I could not reproduce any issues others have had. Maybe I'm just lucky. Bottom line, love this thing. 16" .223 Wylde, Spike's lower with the BCM lower parts kit.Trigger spring replaced with the JP reduced power springs, also a great product.
Good for plinking, needs tinkering 10.01.2018
Was really excited to get this for some cheap plinking in a mostly stock MP15, only to find out that I would get a FTF about very 2-3 rounds. The Aguila high velocity wasn't strong enough to overcome the tension of the trigger for a full reset, so the hammer would just come right back down on the firing pin. Luckily the pin spring was strong enough to keep from slam firing, but it would still dent the round.
Tried it on a franken pistol lower with a Brownell lpk, worked like a charm. One ftf out of 150+ rounds.
I lubed up everything before the range, so I know that wasn't the issue. When it works it's a ton o fun, just don't necessarily expect it to be flawless without some tinkering.
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Just made the $139 sale price! 06.11.2017
Super happy to have this for plinking. I'm running this with cci 36 grain mini mag HPs, 0 FTF with roughly 250 rnds through it. Prior to installing I disassemble it to inspect and lube it. I slightly smoothed the feed ramp at the top where it meets the chamber as it was slightly uneven or lipped. Then dremel polished the ramp and chamber opening to mirror finish. Tight enough groups to consider it worth buying.
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This thing is great 19.10.2017
This thing is awesome! It happily digests any ammunition I have ever put in it without complaint (even the stuff that my lever action didn't do well with). No recoil to speak of. The biggest issue is that mags are a pain to load. Do yourself a favor and order the McFadden Lightnin' grip for it (Looks cheaply made, but works better than any other loader I have seen). Also, get plenty of ammo, because you are going to need it.
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What I was hoping for! 11.10.2017
What a great way to turn your AR into an easy plinker for 22LR. It makes your AR easy for anyone in the family to enjoy. You give up a tiny bit of accuracy than a dedicated upper for 22LR, since the twist rate is geared to a higher powered cartridge, but not enough to be a concern. It isn't designed to be a precision shooter. But at 50 yards and under, it's great.
Great for training when you want to give your ears and shoulder a break too.
Right out of package it was flawless shooting the 1st hundred rounds.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Good idea, poor execution 03.01.2017
I have a Colt AR-15 and this bolt does not operate properly in it. The bolt sticks to the rear and does not complete the cycle. When it does cycle it fails to eject the spent round which gets jammed in the upper or just stove-pipes. I have tried various .22lr brands to see if that makes a difference but the result was the same. I will probably save my $ for a dedicated AR style .22.
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Great little conversion kit! 08.12.2016
When I got this thing I said to myself "Now why didn't I think of that!" I had planned on buying an AR type 22LR until I saw this and I don't regret it. Installation is a breeze and so far it has functioned flawlessly. The only downside is that the magazines are a little difficult to load especially as you get near being full. A speed loader for this magazine would be great but overall it is well worth the money.
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Can't load mags fast enough 04.12.2016
This kit is simply amazing. Allows your AR shoot inexpensive 22lr in matter if seconds, just install the 22lr conversion kit and you are in business. Took it to the range and shot about 200 rounds and had 0 malfunctions. Just make sure you clean and lube if before use and you should be just fine. People complain about relativity but so far i have not seen anything to complaint about. Brownless shipped this within 24 hours and i was able to buy it during the black friday week and could not have gotten it for a better price.
Buy this you won't regret it.
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Brilliant affordable shooting 23.11.2016
A very useful, reliable and cost-effective alternative to full-power centre-fire rifle ammunition. The conversion kit is a straight no fuss, drop-in conversion. It cycles reliably and the low recoil of the 22RF makes it great for fast plinking and tactical practise. 22RF ammunition is furthermore much cheaper than 223 and you therefore get to shoot more for the same expense. All I'm missing now is a quick-loader for the magazines...
Sehr empfehlenswert
Pretty awesome 20.11.2016
Put a 100 40g American eagle through it out of the box, after giving it a dash of oil. Had one FTF, and I'm pretty sure it was the ammo. If it runs good with that stuff...
If you have an AR, this is a must own. And the bundle with 3 mags is the way to go. It doesn't matter what you think about its training value, it is just plain fun. Cheap fun.
And you will be taken back by the quality of this thing. 10/10
works great, for the most part 14.11.2016
Works great with the occasional malfunction. Would not use this for self defense purposes, but this is great for target shooting. This will be fairly accurate with the proper ammunition, with cheap bulk ammunition, you will notice a loss in accuracy, it is significant.
Bottom line, use good ammo, get great accuracy. Use cheap federal bulk ammo, lose lots of accuracy. Works great enough, highly recommend.
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Bravo = Muey Bravo 12.10.2016
I use this to take care of pests like squirrels and possums.
I cannot like this conversion enough. Installed it, dialed my scope in for 20 yards and it makes one hole groups. Works perfect with CCI standard velocity, sub-sonic and mini mags.
I got the Bravo kit in SS and for the money it works perfect and is accurate. When I get a chance I will bench it out to 50 yards. But from my chair and and old mop handle for a rest with a Geiselle trigger in my DPMS Oracle I am delighted.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Pleasant surprise 17.01.2013
I had mixed feelings about buying one of these because of it's "mixed reviews" on the Internet. The magazine required very minor fitting to an RRA EO2, and the bolt assembly went in with no problem. The supplied CMMG 25rd, and two 15rd Blackdog mags, feed perfectly with zero failures of any sort - using Winchester 555 bulk ammo. I have not had a chance to formally check accuracy because of the weather, but it is "plinking accurate" at 25 yards using 5.56x45 sight settings.
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Konvertiere deine AR-15 mit dem CMMG Bravo .22LR Conversion Kit ✨ für kostengünstiges Training und gewohnte Handhabung!
Dieses Produkt unterliegt der Aufsicht der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und ist ausschließlich für den Export in das Bestimmungsland zur Verwendung durch den endgültigen Empfänger oder Endverbraucher, der beim Kauf festgelegt wird, bestimmt. Dieses Produkt darf ohne vorherige Erlaubnis der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika oder einer autorisierten US-Behörde über den endgültigen Empfänger oder Endverbrauchers hinaus nicht wiederverkauft, übertragen, oder in einer anderen Weise in Drittländer oder an Dritte überlassen werden. Dies gilt auch dann, wenn die Artikel verbaut bzw. in einen anderen Artikel integriert wurde.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Robuste Magazine aus spritzgegossenem Polymer, ideal für CMMG und ähnliche Umbausysteme.
25-Schuss-Kapazität, passt in gängige Magazinpouches und -träger.
Einfache Reinigung dank der abnehmbaren Bodenplatte und vollständige Demontage möglich.
Das Modul bietet einen glatten, klaren Einzelabzug, der sich wie ein traditioneller Repetierer anfühlt.
Es ist 100 % Plug-and-Play, ohne Waffenmacherei oder Anpassung erforderlich.
Hergestellt aus hochwertigen Materialien wie S7 Werkzeugstahl und 6061 T6 Aluminium für Langlebigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit.
Der Stern Defense AR-15 9mm Conversion Adapter ermöglicht die Verwendung von Glock®-Magazinen in deinem AR-15.
Der Adapter lässt sich in Sekunden in jeden mil-spec AR-15 Lower Receiver installieren und bietet eine Last-Round-Bolt-Hold-Open-Funktion.
Hergestellt aus Flugzeug-Aluminium, ist der Adapter leicht und ergonomisch gestaltet, ideal für eine 9mm Umrüstung.
Ultra-kompaktes 10-Schuss PMAG-Modell, ideal für die Jagd und das Schießen aus einem Rucksack.
Beinhaltet alle Haltbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeitsverbesserungen der GEN M3 Reihe, wie den kippfreien Follower.
Kompatibel mit AR-15/M4/M16 und anderen ähnlichen Lowern, nur für 5.56mm/.223 Munition geeignet.