- Caliber: 38/357 Caliber (.357-.359)
- Modell: Agent,Diamondback,Detective Special,Cobra
- Waffentyp: Colt
- Versandgewicht: 0,027kg
- Versandhöhe: 33mm
- Versandbreite: 53mm
- Versandlänge: 152mm
- UPC: 088652000388
Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Artikel-Nr.: 392100046
Herst.-Nr.: DS-A
088652000388 SPEED LOADERWorks for Armscor Model 200 30.03.2012
I bought this for my Armscor Model 200 .38. This is my first speedloader so I have nothing to compare it to, but it does the job. I had trouble geting the bullets to stay in the loader at first. Then I figured out that it makes a deffinate click when they are locked in. It is easier than digging loose rounds out of my pocket, so I like it.
Would not buy this again 06.05.2010
I tried hollow points and wad cutters. Hollow points fell out into cylinder of my Colt Cobra (second series) with a little more jiggling than I believe is necessary. Wad cutters really were difficult to shake out---I don't call it speed loading.
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