Gibt dir zusätzliche Magazinkapazität in nur einer Minute. Schnell und einfach zu installieren und zu entfernen. Das gewinde Rohr ersetzt die Magazinverschluss-Schraube. Perfekt für Shotgun Action Shooting Veranstaltungen oder für die Strafverfolgung. Die Schwenkklammer (nur bei Remington-Modellen enthalten) sichert die Erweiterung am Lauf für zusätzliche Unterstützung. Bietet einen praktischen vorderen Befestigungspunkt für den Tragegurt oder sling. Schwenkklammer auch separat erhältlich.
Auf Lager
Lieferzeit ca. 14-21 Werktage. Mehr als 10 Stk. im Lager USA
Lieferzeit ca. 14-21 Werktage. Mehr als 10 Stk. im Lager USA
Gives you additional magazine capacity in only a minute. Quick and simple to install and remove. Threaded tube replaces magazine cap screw. Perfect for Shotgun Action Shooting events or Law Enforcement. Sling Swivel Clamp (included on Remington models only) secures extension to the barrel for extra support. Provides a convenient front mounting point for carry strap or sling. Sling Swivel Clamp also available separately.
SPECS: Extension - Steel, matte finish. 12 ga. only. Includes extended spring, follower and swivel clamp. Sling Swivel Clamp - Blued or parkerized steel, front and rear 1" swivel rings with studs. Chart indicates number of ROUNDS (RDS) in addition to factory magazine capacity for each model. 20ga. Rem. fits small frame 20ga. guns only and any indentions on the magazine tube with have to be removed for proper functioning. * 11-87 requires modifications.
Aufschraubbare Rohre für erhöhte Kapazität
Gibt dir zusätzliche Magazinkapazität in nur einer Minute. Schnell und einfach zu installieren und zu entfernen. Das gewinde Rohr ersetzt die Magazinverschluss-Schraube. Perfekt für Shotgun Action Shooting Veranstaltungen oder für die Strafverfolgung. Die Schwenkklammer (nur bei Remington-Modellen enthalten) sichert die Erweiterung am Lauf für zusätzliche Unterstützung. Bietet einen praktischen vorderen Befestigungspunkt für den Tragegurt oder sling. Schwenkklammer auch separat erhältlich.
SPECS: Erweiterung - Stahl, matte Oberfläche. Nur für 12 ga. Enthält eine verlängerte Feder, einen Follower und eine Schwenkklammer. Schwenkklammer - Blau oder brüniert, vordere und hintere 1" Schwenkringe mit Bolzen. Die Tabelle zeigt die Anzahl der RUNDEN (RDS), die zusätzlich zur Werksmagazinkapazität für jedes Modell vorhanden sind. 20ga. Rem. passt nur auf kleine 20ga. Waffen und alle Einkerbungen am Magazinrohr müssen entfernt werden, um eine ordnungsgemäße Funktion zu gewährleisten. * 11-87 erfordert Modifikationen.
Top Takeaways
Erhöhe deine Magazinkapazität in nur einer Minute mit dieser einfachen Erweiterung.
Die Schwenkklammer sorgt für zusätzliche Stabilität und ist separat erhältlich.
Ideal für Shotgun Action Shooting und Polizeieinsätze, passt nur für 12 Gauge Modelle.
Gauge:12 Gauge
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A502
Kundenbewertungen (11)
4,6 / 5
Sehr empfehlenswert
It is a very nice 870 addition 18.12.2017
Fit and finish are both great. I also found this very nice aluminum magazine / barrel clamp - part # 100-003-182
at Brownell's that includes a rail section to add a light or laser. Very cool add on for my tactical 870. Looks awesome. As for the factory dimples in the stock mag, a Dremel tool and sandpaper drum made short work of any follower obstructions. The 870 cycles all 6 rounds nice and smooth. Make sure that you stuff a paper towel down the primary mag between the receiver and the dimples before you start grinding, to keep the abrasive crud out if the works. I also put a few small dabs of grease where the paint was ground off. May repaint later. we'll see,
Wenig empfehlenswert
spring sucks, don't buy 18.09.2017
The spring was insanely long and had to be cut down. I cut it down little by little and tried it again after every cut and it still does not work well. The spring is now as short as it can be and still offer some amount of pressure on the follower and it still will not fit the +2 shells that it says it will. It will fit one extra but the spring binds up and does not feed reliably at all. This has been really disappointing. I am going to try to keep the tube itself and find a replacement spring. I will not be buying from this company again. This has been a lot of work trying to fit this thing and it still does not work. It only managed to get 2 stars because it at least looks nice...but looks don't do me any good.
Sehr empfehlenswert
4 round extension installed on model 870 09.01.2017
Purchased this so I could better use my 870 in some 3 gun matches. Gives me a total of 8 rounds in the magazine. Looks to be quality product. Note that my model 870, a turkey model with 21" barrel, had tabs inside the factory magazine tube which I had to use my dremel tool and grind down the two tabs so that shells and the follower could slide up into the extension. Just took a few minutes, but just be aware that some gunsmith work might be required depending on your model 870. My barrel is 21", but with the full choke screwed in, that extends another 1". This puts my barrel at 22" and exactly even with the extension tube end.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Choate Magazine Extension 25.06.2016
I wanted to extend the factory magazine tube on my 870 Express. It is being set up primarily for home defense but is also used for fun shooting. I went with the 3 round extension as didn't see a need at this time for more.
I had a local gun smith properly remove the dimples. Once installed shells cycled smoothly. I liked the dull coating as it matches both my barrels. The brace will keep the tube extension lined up and also from working free.
About the only con is the length of the spring. It was a bit of a struggle getting it all together and odds are I may shorten it by a few coils down the road. I'm able to get 7+1 of 2 3/4" double ott buck shells into the gun.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Awesome addition to my 28" Wingmaster 04.09.2014
I scored a 1958 Wingmaster in near mint condition from a pawn shop for next to nothing, then sold the original forend and stock off of it to finance this extension, a new forend tube, Magpul forend, Vang Comp follower, ATI polymer mag tube clamp, and a Remington polymer thumbhole stock. After all was said and done, I ended up paying less than $100 for an awesome gun that points amazingly well, even when loaded with 10 rounds of #1 buck. It's my tactical long-barrel shotgun! My friends get a kick out of it and it's still a beautiful gun, even without the original walnut furniture. Anyway, I went with the Choate because of the price and capacity and ended up really liking it. It's bluing matches well with the barrel and receiver of the old gun. It's functioned with 100% reliability through hundreds (I would estimate around 700) of rounds of mixed buck, slugs, and field loads and it still looks new! My other 870 is an 18" original Express (metal trigger guard, machined internals) that has a Nordic tube with an XL cap that sits flush with the barrel and allows me to load 7 in the mag. ...and while I love it, I paid a lot for the setup - this was way more economical. I only wish they made a +6 or +7. I still have barrel sticking out! Thanks Choate!
Sehr empfehlenswert
Awesome Quality 11.04.2013
I am a gun enthusiast and am very familiar with shotguns. I switched from 20" barrel to 18.5" Police barrel. I needed a shorter mag extention. I went with the Choate 2 round b/c of their quality and reliability. It comes with an extremely durable Parkerized finish. It also mounts securely to the stock mag and mates up well. This comes with a barrel clamp/sling swivel, and a very long spring. I just used the spring from my previous 3 rd mag ext, perfict fit. Otherwise you will have to trim the spring down to the appropraite length (watch video). I would recommend this to anyone.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Excellent choice! 08.04.2013
Very well constructed magazine extension. This is the best one that we have found by far. Finish is a very deep black, but is not parkerized as the description implies. It is some kind of bake on finish. This is not a drawback as it is a durable finish, but should be correctly disclosed.
As a gunsmith, I have installed a number of magazine extensions from various manufacturers and they tend to come off during use. This is not the case with this extension. It would be near impossible to remove this inadvertently. Buy this with confidence!
Sehr empfehlenswert
Works like it's supposed to! 18.07.2010
Used this product for a build of my 1100 for social use. Very durable item with the barrel brace and high visibility orange follower. You can't go wrong with this.
Choate Magazine Extension 06.03.2010
A well manufactured piece. The fit and fnish were nice and the parkerizing was well done. The installation required a little work with a metal file as simply using a 3/16" bit to remove the dimples in my rem 870 magazine tube was not sufficient to allow the plug which came with the extension to smoothly pass through the tube where the dimples were drilled out. After working it a little bit with the file, it functioned smoothly.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Would buy again 17.10.2009
Two round parkerized model extends the mag tube to exactly the same length as an 18" factory Remington barrel. Finish is a good match for Remingtons express model finish. Very strong spring, function is perfect.
Sehr empfehlenswert
build it like you want it and save! 15.09.2009
currently have this on my Rem 870 for house protection. i really like this one and it saved me alot of money. i purchased a used 870 with an 18 barrel for $150 and added this product to it. a tactial remington with the factory extension would cost $450 to $599. the money i saved went in the till for some shot shells. i mean alot of shells.
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Erweitere deine Remington Shotgun mit der 3-Round Magazinverlängerung von Choate. 🛠️ Einfach zu installieren und perfekt für Action Shooting!
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O-Ringe sind für Remington 1100/11-87 Schrotflinten geeignet und bieten langlebige Leistung dank der Grafitbeschichtung.
Erhältlich in Packungen zu 3, 10 und 25, passt auch zu anderen Schrotflinten, die eine O-Ring-Laufdichtung verwenden.
Kompatibel mit Marken wie Winchester, Beretta, Charles Daly, Franchi und anderen Universal Shotguns.