955707100549 Das neu gestaltete Daumenpad ist leicht vor der ursprünglichen Position platziert, sodass dein Daumen schneller darauf zugreifen kann und die Pistole schneller wieder in den Einsatzmodus zurückkehrt. Das Pad ist so geformt, dass es einen positiven Kontakt unterstützt, um versehentliches Betätigen des Slide Stops zu verhindern, selbst wenn du Handschuhe trägst. Aus strapazierfähigem 4130 Stahl gestanzt und geformt, dann mit einer speziellen Hartbeschichtung behandelt, die Rost und Abnutzung widersteht.
Auf Lager
Lieferzeit ca. 14-21 Werktage. Mehr als 10 Stk. im Lager USA
Lieferzeit ca. 14-21 Werktage. Mehr als 10 Stk. im Lager USA
Redesigned thumb pad places the pad slightly forward of the factory position, so your thumb gets to it quicker and returns the pistol to battery faster. Pad is shaped to aid in positive contact to help prevent accidental slide stop engagement, even when you’re wearing gloves. Stamped and formed from durable 4130 steel, then treated with a special hardcoat finish that resists rust and wear.
“GLOCK” is a federally registered trademark of Glock, Inc. and is one of many trademarks owned by Glock, Inc. or Glock Ges.m.b.H. Brownells is an independent dealer of parts and accessories for Glock pistols, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Glock, Inc. or Glock Ges.m.b.H. The use of Glock on this page is merely to advertise the sale of Glock parts or components. As indicated in the product descriptions, not all parts and accessories on this site are official Glock products.
Optimale Form für positiven Daumenkontakt
Das neu gestaltete Daumenpad ist leicht vor der ursprünglichen Position platziert, sodass dein Daumen schneller darauf zugreifen kann und die Pistole schneller wieder in den Einsatzmodus zurückkehrt. Das Pad ist so geformt, dass es einen positiven Kontakt unterstützt, um versehentliches Betätigen des Slide Stops zu verhindern, selbst wenn du Handschuhe trägst. Aus strapazierfähigem 4130 Stahl gestanzt und geformt, dann mit einer speziellen Hartbeschichtung behandelt, die Rost und Abnutzung widersteht.
“GLOCK” ist eine eingetragene Marke von Glock, Inc. und gehört zu vielen Marken, die im Besitz von Glock, Inc. oder Glock Ges.m.b.H. sind. Brownells ist ein unabhängiger Händler von Teilen und Zubehör für Glock-Pistolen und ist nicht mit Glock, Inc. oder Glock Ges.m.b.H. verbunden oder von ihnen unterstützt. Die Verwendung von Glock auf dieser Seite dient lediglich der Werbung für den Verkauf von Glock-Teilen oder -Komponenten. Wie in den Produktbeschreibungen angegeben, sind nicht alle Teile und Zubehör auf dieser Seite offizielle Glock-Produkte.
Top Takeaways
Das Daumenpad ist nach vorne versetzt, was den Zugriff und das Umschalten in den Einsatzmodus beschleunigt.
Die Form des Pads verhindert versehentliches Betätigen des Slide Stops, auch mit Handschuhen.
Hergestellt aus robustem 4130 Stahl mit einer speziellen Hartbeschichtung, die Rost und Abnutzung widersteht.
Excellent. Does Exacty What It Needs To 18.01.2018
I'm a left handed shooter and often use my left index finger to manipulate the slide release. I found this slide release to be a great addition to my Glock 21. It sticks out enough to get positive contact with your finger but not so far that it catches on anything. It has edges that are a bit sharper than the Glock factory but that is something which is easy to gt used to. It installs very easily (took me about 30 seonds). I will be purchasing 2 more of these to fit to my other Glocks.
Works great but... 21.12.2017
as others have noted, this think has sharp edges!! Yes, it is an easy fix with a file or sandpaper, and a bluing pen, but the edges really should have been rounded a bit to begin with. Other than that, it works great.
I checked "fitting required" as a Con as that seemed to be more applicable than poor quality.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Enhanced slide stop by Tangodown 11.10.2015
I have installed several of these slides stops for guys over the years. I have had many of them return to have the factory one installed due to malfunctions. The spring of this slide stop doesn't keep the tension necessary to hold the slide to the rear on an empty magazine.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Vickers TSS 18.04.2014
Never had any issue with sharp edges. Does what its designed to do, the original glock part works alright but this one is way better. If I buy a new glock I'll be buying one of these. The texture is better than the original as is the shape. Only improvement would be these coming stock on all glocks.
SHARP Edges, STILL Recommended 06.04.2014
Per the review by "Kelly" on 7/28/12, yes, this thing is dang near slice-your-thumb sharp, in the front and in the rear. I even went back to the OEM part because of this... but, while the OEM part isn't sharp (and thus, much less painful on the thumb), it still had the small purchase area that was the reason I bought the Vickers part. So... I got out my set of high-quality needle files and went to work on the Vickers slide stop. After a few minutes of appropriate filing, the new part is WAY better. I touched up the bare metal with some "gun bluing" stuff I have, and the result is perfect.
I installed this part on my new G41 with no muss and no fuss. Because of the very UNPLEASANT sharp edges, I'm only rating this product with four stars -- but I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a slide stop that offers more purchase area than the slender OEM part. Maybe the sharp edges won't bother you but, if they do, a file and some touch-up bluing will take care of things nicely.
Installing this is fast and simple.
Sehr empfehlenswert
World of difference 13.11.2013
I learned to shoot glocks years back by always manually manipulating the slide after a reload due to the fact that the slide stop was so small it was not very realistic to try to hit it with a thumb. This gives me the option to use my thumb to send the slide forward. Quick instal, perfect fit, no problems. Not too big=wont catch on things. Its literally perfect. These boys know the deal.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Top part to add to Glock 19.01.2013
After I installed this on my Glock, I did a simulated slide release a few times. I CAN FEEL a big difference between the OEM Glock Slide Stop and the Vickers Slide Stop. The slide extends a little more further out than the OEM Glock. You do get a positive grip and feel with your thumbs and I do believe it provides an advantage if you wear gloves. I can't comment on the durability of the slide stop as it will take time from additional range time. The build and construction seems comparable to the OEM Glock, however, you have to keep in mind that the slide stop is not a robust part that is a thin strip of steel. I do recommend using the Vickers Slide Stop and it can help the process of reloading your Glock quicker than the OEM Glock Slide Stop.
Sturdy, but not the Second Coming 25.11.2012
This is a good, sturdy part. I have used some of the extended releases and had no problems with them, since I shoot thumbs down usually. On the other hand, I have carried my Glocks before with no slide stop lever at all. It is nice to have the slide lock back on an empty mag, but if you're in an actual gunfight and run the gun dry you will probably discover that by pulling on the trigger again, not by noticing the slide is locked. Shoot high thumbs on a Sig, and you have the same problem. And the slide stop lever doesn't hold the gun together like a 1911, so it's no great loss not have one.
It is quicker to reload with a nice slide release, but if you are shooting with a high thumbs grip you're going to ride the lever and keep the slide from locking open anyway. So why not just eliminate that problem. I did discover on my latest trip to the range that a high thumbs grip kept this lever from doing its job. I did have to bend the spring a little to get more tension on it and make it disengage a little more rapidly. It is extremely easy to disengage and also angled in such a way that you can lock the slide open easily, just in case being able to show people that it's empty is important to you. At the moment, I have one of the small original levers back in there. It's really more of a range thing for me, because I only load a few rounds in my mags at the range to practice reloads as much as possible, and I might as well save the slide from slamming forward empty. (I don't think it's a huge deal on the Glock, though. It's not a 1911.) I'll probably just go back to not even using one. It's just something else to snag on things...
There are no cons to this product that are not also shared by any slide stop lever that is easy to disengage. My philosophy when it comes to pistol controls is as follows: "Thumbs down, no problems. Thumbs up, problems." My primary concern with this part is accidentally locking the slide open when the gun is not yet empty. That is more of a concern to me than riding it and keeping it from locking open on an empty. People who shoot Sigs have been living with that problem forever now. On the other hand, if you're going to ride it and keep it from working, why even have it on there? Just because Larry Vickers has his name on it, that doesn't mean it is perfect. I tried his mag release and went back to the original one, as well.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Simple solution 13.08.2012
LAV designed this simple solution to gaining a more positive control when performing a slide lock reload. I don't sling shot slides or go over the top to release the slide. Using the slide lever release to do this is much faster. Especially if you're used to driving other handgun platforms like 1911's.
The only downside is that slide release levers will wear over time and have to be replaced. I've even seen the notch on Glock slides chipped and ruined from using this method.
That said the cost benefit of this method outweighs the added time in performing an emergency reload. Put a timer on it and find out for yourself.
Bedingt empfehlenswert
So - so 28.07.2012
I got this to, ideally, enhance my purchase on the slide lever when locking the slide back in malfunction drills. It does work well for that, so I will likely be keeping it installed unless I find the increased width puts me at risk for riding the lever.
Points deducted however for the sharp edges on the front and back of the handle. A little more rounding would be more ideal for a tool that may be pressed against your skin.
The aforementioned increase in width, although this is the same reason it is effective for my purpose, it does make it more prone to riding the slide lever and preventing last round lock.
Most importantly, it is not mentioned that this product is NOT COMPATIBLE with my Gen 2 Glock 17, and I would assume all Gen 2's. The design of the lever is completely different and it could cause premature lockback on a still loaded mag and/or prevent you from slingshoting the slide on reloads.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Must Have Item! 23.02.2012
Kudos to TangoDown and Larry Vickers!
This is an easily installed product that allows you to have a superbly designed slide release on just about any Glock pistol.
This part is installed on all my Glock pistols (17 and 19) and works. No issues.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Huge improvement over stock 26.12.2011
Much quicker to activate than the standard or extended OEM slide release.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Big improvement over stock 07.07.2011
Makes it much easier to lock slide.
Also makes it easier to release.
Great texture.
A definite improvement over OEM 03.06.2011
Subjectively, this replacement part is an improvement over both Glock options, improving shooter control while maintaining a compact lever to minimize interference issues and/or inadvertent activation. It is very similar to that of the Smith & Wesson M&P pistol; if you like the slide stop on your S&W M&P, you'll like this one on your Glock.
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Verbessere deine Glock mit dem ENHANCED SLIDE STOP von TANGODOWN! 🚀 Schneller Zugriff und maximaler Schutz für deinen Slide Stop.
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Der verlängerte Magazinrelease ermöglicht schnelle und reibungslose Magazinwechsel, die dir wertvolle Sekunden sparen.
Der geriffelte Auslöser ist 3/64" länger als das Original und bietet einfachen Daumen Zugriff, ohne die Hand neu positionieren zu müssen.
Hergestellt aus hochfestem Polymerverbundstoff, passt zu mehreren Glock-Modellen, einschließlich 17, 19, 22, 23, 34 und mehr.
Der VTSS-003 Gen 5 Beidhändigen Slide Stop ermöglicht eine zuverlässige Verriegelung und Freigabe des Verschlusses unter allen Bedingungen, auch mit Handschuhen.
Hergestellt aus 4130 Chrom-Moly-Stahl und wärmebehandelt, bietet er eine strapazierfähige Hartbeschichtung für jahrelangen Einsatz.
Passt für alle veröffentlichten Glock® Gen 5 Modelle, einschließlich G17, G19, G19X, G26 und G34.
Verbessere das Nachladen deiner Glock® 48 und 43X mit dem Vickers Tactical Slide Stop.
Die umgeformte Daumenauflage mit tiefen Rillen ermöglicht eine einfache Bedienung, selbst mit Handschuhen.
Hergestellt aus robustem 4130 Chrom-Moly-Stahl mit einer nicht reflektierenden schwarzen Oberfläche.