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Entdecke den X-LARGE CLEANING ROD STOP von Sinclair International! 🛠️ Perfekt für eine effektive Reinigung deiner Waffen.




Artikel-Nr.: 749000230
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14.9 EUR 0 14,90 € *
Artikel-Nr.: 749000267
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15.9 EUR 0 15,90 € *
0 0 2 EUR


Artikel-Nr.: 749000230
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14.9 EUR 0 14,90 € *
Artikel-Nr.: 749000267
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15.9 EUR 0 15,90 € *


Original anzeigen (Englisch)
Ideal für kurze Reinigungsanwendungen mit J-B Bore Cleaner und anderen pastenartigen Reinigern. Die Stopps verhindern, dass Patches am Mündungsende herauskommen. Viele Schützen verwenden sie, wenn sie einen Lauf mit einem Bore Conditioner behandeln. Es sind drei Größen erhältlich, die zu Dewey und den meisten anderen Reinigungsstäben passen. Der kleine Stopp passt auf 22-6,5 mm Kaliberstäbe und der X-Large Stopp passt auf 35 Kaliberstäbe.

Top Takeaways

  1. Ideal für Anwendungen mit kurzem Hub, besonders mit J-B Bore Cleaner und anderen Paste-Reinigern.
  2. Die Stopps verhindern, dass Patches am Mündungsende herauskommen, was viele Schützen schätzen.
  3. Erhältlich in drei Größen, passend zu Dewey und den meisten anderen Reinigungsstäben; der X-Large Stopp passt auf 35 Kaliberstäbe.


  • Versandgewicht: 0,032kg


Kundenbewertungen (2)

3 / 5

Brownells USA Works great on Tipton Cleaning rod. 30.10.2014

I read the one poor review and still decided to take the risk. I am glad I did. I installed the 30 cal stop on my 30 Cal Tipton Cleaning rod. At first, it did slide a bit when I first used it in my M1 Garand. I then used a little more twist on the set screw. After that, I had no issues. In fact, I was so happy with it that I just ordered 4 more 20 cal stops for my 3 other cleaning rods and one for a friend. I have since used the 30 cal stop in my S&W revolver, 357 lever, and 30-30 lever. One thing to keep in mind... It works GREAT once the length is set right. But be careful you don't set it with the bolt open then close bolt and try to use it. Obviously that won't work. ;)

Wenig empfehlenswert

Brownells USA Not as helpful as I had hoped 18.10.2014

I bought the cleaning rod stops about a year or so ago for use with my Dewey 36" 22LR sized cleaning rod to clean my slide action and semi auto rimfire rifles. They're very easy to install, but the problem I've had is being able to keep them from sliding backwards instead of stopping against the muzzle when pushing a tight jag or bronze brush through the bore. These stops are handsomely constructed but it appears the nylon thumb screw just doesn't have enough bite to keep the stop from moving backwards when it's pushed against the muzzle with more than a little force. To counteract this movement I've resorted to cutting a half inch wide strip of duck tape and wrapping it around the rod with around 8 layers just behind where I want to set the stop. This has been helpful in preventing the stop from sliding backwards, especially when using a new and very tight fitting bore brush. Otherwise, I'm still glad I bought them because they're much better than using drill bit stops or trying to eyeball a witness mark on the rod to keep from banging the bronze brush against the bolt face of a Remington Model 12 and similar closed receivers. And I'd still recommend them to a friend with full disclosure of my experience with them, or until a better design comes to market.

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