Verbessere dein AR-15 mit dem Yankee Hill Tactical Charging Handle Latch! 🔧 Einfacher Zugriff und bessere Handhabung beim Laden.
Top Takeaways
Einfacher Zugriff auf deinen Ladegriff für das AR-15.
Größere Oberfläche für bequemes Laden, ideal für Schützen mit Handschuhen.
Konstruktion aus Stahl mit dunkler grauer Oberfläche, enthält nur den Riegel.
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.x
Marke: AR-15
32.9EUR32,90 €
Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Artikel-Nr.: 100015922
Herst.-Nr.: YHM-281
Nie wieder Schwierigkeiten beim Laden deines AR-15! Dieser Ersatzriegel ermöglicht dir einen einfachen Zugriff auf deinen Ladegriff. Besonders beliebt bei denen, die ein Zielfernrohr auf ihrem AR-15 haben oder beim Schießen Handschuhe tragen. Dieser Riegel bietet eine größere Fläche, die du erreichen kannst, wenn du dein AR-15-Gewehr laden musst. Robuste Stahlkonstruktion mit einer dunkelgrauen Oberfläche. Enthält nur den Riegel, verwendet die vorhandene Feder und den Rollstift. (Feder und Rollstift sind nicht enthalten).
Auf Lager
Lieferzeit ca. 14-21 Werktage. 4 Stk. im Lager USA
Lieferzeit ca. 14-21 Werktage. 4 Stk. im Lager USA
Never Struggle to charge your AR-15 again! This replacement latch allows you to access your charging handle with ease. Particularly popular among those with a scope on their AR-15, or those who wear gloves while shooting. This latch features extra surface area to reach for when you need to charge your AR-15 rifle. Steel construction with a dark gray finish. Includes latch only, uses existing spring and roll pin. (Does not include spring or roll pin).
Nie wieder Schwierigkeiten beim Laden deines AR-15! Dieser Ersatzriegel ermöglicht dir einen einfachen Zugriff auf deinen Ladegriff. Besonders beliebt bei denen, die ein Zielfernrohr auf ihrem AR-15 haben oder beim Schießen Handschuhe tragen. Dieser Riegel bietet eine größere Fläche, die du erreichen kannst, wenn du dein AR-15-Gewehr laden musst. Robuste Stahlkonstruktion mit einer dunkelgrauen Oberfläche. Enthält nur den Riegel, verwendet die vorhandene Feder und den Rollstift. (Feder und Rollstift sind nicht enthalten).
Top Takeaways
Einfacher Zugriff auf deinen Ladegriff für das AR-15.
Größere Oberfläche für bequemes Laden, ideal für Schützen mit Handschuhen.
Konstruktion aus Stahl mit dunkler grauer Oberfläche, enthält nur den Riegel.
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.x
Kundenbewertungen (10)
4,6 / 5
Sehr empfehlenswert
Good low cost high value upgrade 28.12.2017
Donât let the picture fool you itâs bigger and itâs definitely not black. Fairly easy to install if youâve built ARâs before. It really works well with or without optics. The latch is sturdy enough to rack with one finger. I installed it on my WMD nib-x coated charging handle and itâs so smooth
Sehr empfehlenswert
Built like a tank , fit Perfect , three min to install. I'm a self taught redneck AR builder that spent a few min online researching the best buy for the money . I found that every man card holding scope user must have. . just took 4 minutes to install. Beat that! Long live freedom flies!
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No Gunsmith Required 15.03.2017
Easy to Install on my stock DPMS handle. Be careful of the spring. May require light sanding for some handles. Great for operating handle with left hand and perfect if you have full size optics mounted.
Worth it 30.12.2016
It isn't an exact match in color as others have stated. More of a blued steel than black anodized aluminum look. Doesn't bother me a bit. Works great. Feels natural in the hand when operating the CH. Does stick out far but not too far. Compared it to a Bcm/Vltor & it is just a hair shorter than their large model. I have several of the B/V CHs & now realize I could've just bought standard CHs & installed this latch on them which would've saved me some money. Only problem I foresee is if you use a sling & keep the gun close to your body, the latch could be uncomfortable sticking into your stomach or chest. I have seen this with the B/V large CH. That's why I'd prefer it to be slightly smaller, but it's still worth it. Easy install with a 1/16" punch. Does not include roll pin or spring in case anyone is wondering. I definitely recommend this latch if you need to upgrade from a standard one.
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these work 01.11.2016
These are easy to install and they increase the ability to grasp the charging handle. I use shooting gloves when at the range so this product is helpful, when using a scope or any thing that aids the sight profile.
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QUALITY! 03.08.2016
This charging handle is easy in the hands. It is tough and easy to install. Works well with scoped weapons. Thank you Yankee Hill!
Great Value 21.03.2016
Make no mistake, this is an oversized latch. Not as over-the-top as some others, but it sticks out a pretty decent length. Also note that it is more of a dull gray color - it doesn't necessarily look out of place on a black receiver, but it doesn't altogether match either. In any case, the function will please many, disengaging smoothly and promoting firm operation of the mechanism. For me it was actually a little too slick - the catch is smooth enough and the body engage-able enough that it created an impression of looseness that I don't think was actually there. But the edges are nicely rounded to avoid scrapes and excessive snagging, and the gray finish seems to hold up pretty well. It could do with just a bit of refinement as a design, but for such a great price, someone looking for an oversized latch won't be disappointed.
Bedingt empfehlenswert
Yankee Hill Latch 07.01.2016
The pro's: great fit. wide handle with no rough edges and it was easy to install.
The Cons: it is NOT BLACK!!!! It is Battleship Gray! Not even in the realm of black.
I was sorely disappointed... It is advertised as BLACK. I now have a black rifle with a GRAY charging handle latch!
I will be contacting Brownells about the issue. They either need to correct their advertising or,if by some chance I got an odd one, check the product and ensure it matches the description before they ship it.
The photo doesn't show the gray well. It's far more gray than pic!
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YHM Charge Handle Latch 14.11.2015
Purchased for a 5.56 gun that had a OEM latch.I have used the ambi type and square oversize type before on others.
After installing this one,I went back and bought a few more to replace my other upgraded ones.I kind of prefer the same feel on all the guns.Now I have put these on my ARs in 308 and 243 as well.
Yes I like this latch.
Only CON.The roll pin is kind of a tricky little deal.Careful the hole is lined up and do not beat it up and make it bigger(use the correct roll pin punch).Center punch next to the holes(lightly) when finished to hold the roll pin secure.Keep in mind the handle is aluminum.
Sehr empfehlenswert
BUY THIS 13.05.2015
I bought one of these initially from a different website before Brownells started carrying it and was hooked instantly. Once Brownells picked them up I bought 3 more (and will probably buy another 3-4 eventually). A standard handle with this latch is comparable to a BCM large latch charging handle; not identical, and not exactly as good, but comparable. If you're on a budget, this is the way to go. Don't buy any other latches; I'm even considering replacing the PRI latch on my gas buster charging handle, because these are so much nicer. Gives more than enough purchase, isn't so thin that it hurts to pull back with a knife-style hand angle, and it's made by YHM instead of some random over-seas manufacturer like a lot of other latches. Buy this just to try it out. You won't regret it. I just wish I had 3 hands to make installing it easier.
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Verbessere dein AR-15 mit dem Yankee Hill Tactical Charging Handle Latch! 🔧 Einfacher Zugriff und bessere Handhabung beim Laden.
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Der MOE-K2 Grip hat einen vertikalen Griffwinkel, ideal für kurze LOP-Waffen wie PDWs.
Er bietet eine aggressive Textur für sicheren Halt und ist kompatibel mit Magpul Grip Cores für individuellen Stauraum.
Funktioniert gut mit 7.62 NATO AR10/SR25 Gewehren, kann aber ästhetische Abstände zum 'Beaver Tail' hinterlassen.
Die Federn bieten ein Abzugsgewicht von 3,5 Pfund mit J.P. Abzügen und 4,5 bis 5 Pfund mit Standard-Komponenten.
Enthält Hammerfeder, Rückholfeder und Abreißfeder; die Anleitung hilft beim Polieren für einen sanften Abzug.
Nur für Freizeitgebrauch; nicht für Dienst- oder Heimverteidigungswaffen geeignet.
Der BCMGunfighter Vertical Grip Mod 3 M-LOK® bietet eine leichte und ergonomische Handhabung für weniger Ermüdung beim Schießen.
Er kann in zwei Positionen montiert werden, um deine bevorzugte Unterstützungshaltung zu berücksichtigen.
Hergestellt aus robustem Polymer, sorgt er für optimalen Halt und Kontrolle des Gewehrs.
Das flexible Leiter-Style-Panel schützt vor Schmutz und Dellen und verbessert den Grip deiner Waffe.
Es verhindert, dass scharfe Schienenkanten in deine Hand graben oder Schäden an deiner Ausrüstung verursachen.
Das ultra-flache Design hält deinen Handguard-Durchmesser schlank und passt auf eine Seite der Standard-Carbine-langen 1913 Picatinny-Schiene.