Traditionelle Rifle Buttstocks verfügen über ein einfach zu öffnendes Staufach für Notfallwerkzeuge, Teile oder ein Brownells AR-15 Buttstock Reinigungsset. Passt sowohl zu A1 als auch zu A2.
Bestellbar, nicht vorrätig
Nachbestellt, Lieferzeit ca. 4-12 Wochen aus dem Lager USA.
Nachbestellt, Lieferzeit ca. 4-12 Wochen aus dem Lager USA.
Traditional-length Rifle Buttstocks feature an easy-to-open storage compartment for emergency field tools, parts, or a Brownells AR-15 Buttstock Cleaning Kit. Fits both A1 and A2.
SPECS: Rifle Buttstock - 9-3⁄8" (23.8cm) long, 5” (12.7cm) high at tallest point, 2-1⁄8" (5.4cm) high at shortest point, 1-5⁄8" (4.1cm) wide.
Mil-Spec Qualität, Haltbarkeit & Aussehen
Traditionelle Rifle Buttstocks verfügen über ein einfach zu öffnendes Staufach für Notfallwerkzeuge, Teile oder ein Brownells AR-15 Buttstock Reinigungsset. Passt sowohl zu A1 als auch zu A2.
TECHNISCHE DATEN: Rifle Buttstock - 9-3⁄8" (23.8cm) lang, 5” (12.7cm) hoch an der höchsten Stelle, 2-1⁄8" (5.4cm) hoch an der niedrigsten Stelle, 1-5⁄8" (4.1cm) breit.
Type:Rifle Length
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.y.1
Kundenbewertungen (9)
2,3 / 5
Bedingt empfehlenswert
The buttplate.... 27.09.2019 the weakspot of the stock. Especially the area around the buttstock screw. Though gently tightened, the plastic started to bend apart around the screw after a day on the range. Fixed it for now with a shim behind the screw (formed it of course to the shape of the screwhead). You can either install an a2/a4 buttplate (fits, maybe need a shim here or there, at least i had to behind the trapdoor hinge) or try to get an a1 buttplate w/ trapdoor (very rare in europe sadly). Buttstock itself is good. Lots of storage space inside.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Buttpad ruins it 22.09.2018
The stock itself is ok. It is the correct A1 length. The buttplate is a flimsy, rubbery piece of garbage that gets drilled through by the install screw. Would not recommend. Brownells should discontinue selling this product.
If you want an A1 length fixed stock for your rifle, get a Brownells retro A1 stock instead.
Sehr empfehlenswert
One TSOB 17.07.2018
Really nice copy of a a1 stock. Accepted My old butt plate and has a ton of space for stuff inside stock due to the lack of foam.
Really nice job guys.
Cavalry Manufacturing A1 butt stock. 25.01.2018
If your looking for an A1 length butt stock that you can use and not worry about digging up or failing on you this is it. texture is not like an original, and the butt plate and trap door are a bit flimsy but can be replaced with Oem A1or A2 components.overall construction and materials are very strong.i would consider this stock for anyone who is going to use their rifle for hunting,target,or tactical shooting.if you or building a true A1 clone, i would suggest for you to purchase nos,refurbished military surplus. If you want something you can use can't beat the deal on this butt stock.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Yea wasted 50 bucks 14.12.2017
Top screw went right thru the butt plate
Nicht empfehlenswert
Absolutely hot garbage 18.10.2015
I needed to do a build with an A1 stock length and a weighted stock, so I tried this. Big mistake. Plastic stock that I wouldn't put on a kid's airsoft. Buttplate was flimsy and didn't fit the stock, the sling loop went from side to side in a 270° arc, eventually working loose, and would have cut any sling you put through it. The trapdoor seemed to be made out of the same sort of vinyl usually found in electrical tape, but less useful.
I tried to modify it by replacing the buttplate, and that was useless becase nothing on this thing mached any standard, milspec or commercial. The first buttplate slipped right off the end of the buffer tube screw, which was handy because the screw was stuck. Then the original lower screw crossthreaded in the sling loop.
I'm returning it to Brownells with a request that they never sell it again.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Poor quality stock 01.07.2011
This is a very cheaply made stock. The trap door hinge is simply the same rubber piece used for the door. The attachment system is poor and the stock can be easily pulled off the buffer tube when you don't want it to come off! ( see other review ). The sling attachment is made of "square" material instead of round, rod type material. It should cut through a sling in a matter of hours.
Decent stock for the money 12.12.2010
This is a decent stock. It works well for what it is intended. The A1 style stock has been passed by with many of the newer wonder stocks. Remember that when replacing an A2 stock with this you will need a different screw for the stock, as A2s are longer due to the receiver extension spacer. The finish on the stock is a little rougher than it should be with some flashing showing. Other than that it is good to go. I also like to replace the butt-plate with an A2. That is just a matter of personal preference. I plan to buy another.
Nicht empfehlenswert
warning 24.06.2009
This is a very cheaply made stock.The buttstock screw goes all the way through the butt pad and then all you have to do is pull back on the stock and it comes off completly.The only way to avoid this issue is not screw it in enough to tighten the buttstock.This stock is pure junk and I would'nt even want my enemies to use it
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Entdecke den AR-15 Stock Fixed Rifle Length von CAVALRY MANUFACTURING. Ideal für A1 & A2. ⚙️ Perfekt für deine nächste Jagd!
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Der A2B Adapter von Blue Force Gear ermöglicht einen beidhändigen Verbindungspunkt an der Oberseite von M16 / AR 15 / AR15 A1, A2 und A4 Schaft.
Er verlagert den Riemenbefestigungspunkt nach oben, was die Neigung verringert, dass die Waffe umkippt.
Ideal in Kombination mit dem Vickers Combat Applications Sling™ oder dem Victory Two-Point Sling™.
Der M16A4 Clone Lower Receiver von Aero Precision ist perfekt für deinen M16A4 Clone-Bau.
Er verfügt über individuelle Gravuren und eine enge Passform dank der oberen Spannschraube.
Inklusive Standard A2 Stock, Grip und einem kompletten Lower Parts Kit.
Bequemer Griff durch handfüllendes Design mit Daumenauflage.
Rutschfeste matte Oberfläche für besseren Halt.
Kompatibel mit AR-15, AR-10 und AR-25 Gewehren, nur für Rechtshänder.