Fire your engineer and or your designer! 14.03.2018
Where do i start. Bought two of them they both have the same failures. Both had incorrect feed lip angels , both followers had angels to steep at the face of the feed lips. The combination of these issues caused the mags to fail miserably in all three 9mm carbines i tested them in. To add insult to injury the mags in all three guns which all have different manufactured mag blocks would stick in the mag well and needed to be yanked out . Metal form really dropped the ball on this one. I seriously recommend that you drop this product Brownells.
Bedingt empfehlenswert
Excellent when they fit correctl. 12.01.2018
The mags are solid and well made. But I'm only giving 4 stars because the first mag I got would barely go in and out of the magwell. My other 9mm mags from Brownells worked fine so I didn't figure the magwell was out of spec. Fortunately they exchanged them no problem and the second one worked great. So check the mags as soon as you get them I guess is the lesson learned. Love the shorter 10 round mags in my pistol. Much easier to pack and store.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Worked as expected 07.08.2017
I bought 2 metalform10 round mags for my cmmg dedicated 9 mm ar lower and upper. Both have worked flawless with about 200 through each mag.
Wenig empfehlenswert
needs work 05.01.2014
I had to enlarge the hole that the magazine catch uses to lock the mag in place. After that it worked fine.Never had to do that with Colt mags.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Metalform 10 Round Mags Do Not Function 26.12.2013
We ordered ten, 10 round magazines for the California market to be sold with our 9mm AR upper units. None of them would feed. They all double fed or had several rounds shoot up prematurely causing jams and malfunctions.
The larger capacity mags work flawlessly, but I would stay away from the ten round magazines until they get it right.
Sehr empfehlenswert
the cure for 9mm feeding in ARs 07.08.2013
I have had this American spirit arms 9mm conversion for some time now. The modified uzi mag that came with was so so, I even bought some uzi mags and modified them myself on my mill. Couldn't get 100% feeding corrected. contacted ASR for a fix they just blew me off. Saw this mag on sale bought it. PROBLEM FIXED SENT 10 MAGs FULL DOWN RANGE NOT ONE FEEDING OR EXTRACTION PROB.I just wished I had bought them sooner. I would give it a 10 star if poss, it has fixed my 9mm conversion........Going to buy more even if not on sale that's how good they are. fit and finish great Ar just looks funny with a short mag.
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Entdecke das AR-15 10RD Magazin in 9mm von METALFORM. Robustes Stahl-Design für dein Semi-Auto! 🔥 Jetzt zuschlagen!
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Die TYPE A Rückstoßfeder ist ideal für Target (Softball) Ladungen und wurde von Major F. B. Conway empfohlen.
Sie ist nicht für Standard (Hardball) Ladungen geeignet, sondern nur für leichtere Geschosse oder Pulverladungen.
Die 7 lb. Feder ist zuverlässig und langlebig, und wird mit einer starken Schlagbolzenfeder geliefert, die empfohlen wird, um den Schlagbolzen in Position zu halten.
Der robuste Loader aus schwarzem Polymer schont deine Finger und spart Zeit.
Stufenförmige Kunststoffstücke ermöglichen ein müheloses Laden der Patronen.
Passt in deine Tasche und verlängert die Lebensdauer der Magazine.
Die TekMat Ultra 20 Pistol Cleaning Mat ist wasserdicht, kratzfest und waschbar.
Sie enthält Diagramme und eine Teileliste, die dir hilft, deine Waffe einfach zu zerlegen und wieder zusammenzubauen.
Die Matten sind für verschiedene Modelle wie 1911, Beretta 92 und Glock Gen 4 erhältlich.
Die Federn bieten ein Abzugsgewicht von 3,5 Pfund mit J.P. Abzügen und 4,5 bis 5 Pfund mit Standard-Komponenten.
Enthält Hammerfeder, Rückholfeder und Abreißfeder; die Anleitung hilft beim Polieren für einen sanften Abzug.
Nur für Freizeitgebrauch; nicht für Dienst- oder Heimverteidigungswaffen geeignet.