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Entdecke das feine Rottenstone von BROWNELLS! 🛠️ Ideal zum Schleifen von Oberflächen mit Leinöl. Perfekt für Schaftfinisher!


050806104211 083039008


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Size: 8 oz Artikel-Nr.: 083039008
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23.9 EUR 0 23,90 € *
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Size: 1 lb Artikel-Nr.: 083039016
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38.9 EUR 0 38,90 € *
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Artikel-Nr.: 083039008

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Size: 8 oz Artikel-Nr.: 083039008
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23.9 EUR 0 23,90 € *
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Size: 1 lb Artikel-Nr.: 083039016
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38.9 EUR 0 38,90 € *


Original anzeigen (Englisch)
Echtes, dreifach feines Rottenstone-Pulver. Das gleiche, das seit Generationen von professionellen Stock-Finishern verwendet wird. Mische es mit Leinöl; es wird zu einem schnellen, aber feinen Schleifmittel, das sich leicht mit einem Filzpad über die Oberfläche arbeiten lässt. Nur auf vollständig getrockneten Oberflächen verwenden.

SPECS: 3F-Qualität. Plastikdose. 8 oz. (227 g) und 1 lb. (454 g).

Top Takeaways

  1. Echtes, dreifach feines Rottenstone-Pulver, das von professionellen Holzfinishern verwendet wird.
  2. Kann mit Leinöl gemischt werden, um ein schnelles, aber feines Schleifmittel zu erstellen.
  3. Nur auf vollständig getrockneten Oberflächen verwenden, erhältlich in 8 oz. und 1 lb. Größen.


  • Size: 8 oz
  • Versandgewicht: 0,295kg
  • UPC: 050806104211


Kundenbewertungen (3)

4,7 / 5
Sehr empfehlenswert

Brownells USA Nice grading, no grit, no chunks. 10.04.2017

Back in the 1990s we paid about $1200 each for some fine English engraved machine heads for classical guitars. They looked great, and by the time we got them back to the USA, we were going to have to charge $2000 a set or lose money on them. Looking great is not good enough. For $2000 these needed to be smooth, and tight. The Rottenstone rescued these, and with inflation we finally sold out these custom machines this year at $3500-$4200 a set. These were all hand engraved, silver, gold, and rhodium plated works of art. We have used rotten stone to polish up countless parts in guns, guitars, banjos etc. The Rottenstone sold at hardware stores can have rocks and sand in it. This stuff is nice high grade without any nasty surprises in it. We buy tools, and shop consumables from gunsmithing suppliers, jewelry suppiers, luthrie suppliers, wood working suppliers, etc. Fine wood and metal work is what it is. Guns, and guitars can transcend function and become art. Put the word "luthrie" in front of any tool, no matter how mundane and the price doubles, if not triples. I have used this in revolvers to "smooth things" out too. Reischell is not the only $1000+ machine head that has needed rottenstone.

Sehr empfehlenswert

Brownells USA It's not 13.07.2013

I've used the in the past at gunsmithing school on my stock as a buffer before I used higher polish compounds and loved it. I recently bought it for some 1911 Grips that I made. I had hand rubbed them with Pro Custom oil and it was still too dull. I used the rottenstone and they look amazing now! Now they have a bit of a shine, but not too much!
I didn't follow the instructions exactly. I used the Pro Custom as the liquid agent.

You will need to acquire a felt pad. It doesn't come with it like the guitar polish does.

Schon gewusst?


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