- Waffentyp: Universal Shotguns
- Versandgewicht: 0,476kg
- Versandhöhe: 25mm
- Versandbreite: 76mm
- Versandlänge: 318mm
- UPC: 050806026766
Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Artikel-Nr.: 080870207
050806026766 Rutscht in 12 oder 20 Gauge Magazinröhren, um Dellen schnell zu entfernen. Gerillt, um die „Tabs“ an 1100 Special Field und 11-87 mit neuem Magazinfedersicherung zu entfernen. Funktioniert nicht mit Mossberg Magazinröhren.Not for older Browning A5s 30.06.2018
Brownell's should be specific as to what magazine tubes this will work on and sell some milled to specific tubes. Whatever magazine tube you use this one on; if you start driving this tool into the tube (even after lubricating both the tube & tool) and it comes to a dead stop: BACK IT OUT and do not re-attempt; it will get stuck and/or swell the tube to unusability. I had to put it on my lathe to bring it down to the correct OD (outside diameter) after soaking it all in Kroil overnight to get it out first. I'm a degreed machinist so I should've known to take a micrometer/caliper and measure the ID and OD of the tool & tube before using this. Don't trust this tool to be correct.
worked well 27.01.2014
Used this tool to remove a 1 inch dent in a Remington 870 magazine tube. Worked well with moderate blows from a hammer. I would recommend this tool to others.
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