- Modell: Commander,Government,Officers
- Waffentyp: 1911
- Versandgewicht: 0,009kg
- Versandbreite: 83mm
- Versandlänge: 146mm
- UPC: 841370101894
Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Artikel-Nr.: 296000141
Herst.-Nr.: 11381
841370101894 Egal, ob du eine maßgeschneiderte 1911 baust oder einfach nur die Griffe aufwertest, diese hochwertigen, kostengünstigen Ersatzgriffbuchsen sorgen für eine sichere und ordentlich aussehende Installation.Nachbestellt, Lieferzeit ca. 4-12 Wochen aus dem Lager USA.
Nachbestellt, Lieferzeit ca. 4-12 Wochen aus dem Lager USA.
SPECS: Kohlenstoffstahl, blau oder rostfreier Stahl (SS), natürliche Oberfläche. Verkauft in 4er-Packs. Buchsen - .236"-60 tpi Außengewinde, .150"-50 tpi Innengewinde.
Quality Product & Easy to Install 02.01.2014
I messed up a screw and bushing attempting to install a Pachmayr Finger Groove grip on my Colt Government 38 Super. I ordered a set of the stainless bushings along with the matching hex screws.
Taking the advise of one of the reviewers I also ordered a bushing tool which made the removal and installation of the new bushings a snap.
These looked and functioned so well I removed all the three good bushings and used this complete set of bushings and screws.
I would highly recommend the stainless bushing & hex screws and certainly add one of those bushing tools to your order if you do not have one.
Bushings Made the Way they Should Be 05.02.2013
Bushing holes in the Frame must be chamferred on the inside for proper swaging. The EGW bushings are made slightly longer so that they will have enough length to flare properly into the inside hole chamfers. Unless these holes are chamferred on the inside, the bushing will not flare out for a proper and secure fastening. Using a bushing swaging/flaring tool without first chamferring the inside Frame holes is a waste of time! Also, to avoid chipping the heads of any bushing, always use a tap to clean up the Frame hole threads and make sure that the interior of the bushing installation bit is not worn. NEVER use a screwdriver to install a bushing, as this is a sure way to chip the head of any make of Bushing! It is unfair to criticize these parts because the user does not know how to install them properly! I always use EGW parts for customer's and my own personal pistols, because they are simply the best!!
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