- Modell: Commander,Government
- Waffentyp: 1911
- Versandgewicht: 0,014kg
- Versandbreite: 83mm
- Versandlänge: 146mm
- UPC: 000000000147
Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Artikel-Nr.: 206000036
Herst.-Nr.: CS0014
000000000147 Komplettes Set von elf, zentrisch geschliffenen Pins hilft dir dabei, eine 1911 zu renovieren oder von Grund auf neu zu bauen. Jeder ist wärmebehandelt für zusätzliche Verschleißfestigkeit und lange Lebensdauer.Looks nice... 02.10.2014
I had planned to replace the pins in my RIA 1911, figuring any pin set bought from Brownells had to be better than those from the factory. The originals looked a bit rough and had lost most of their blueing. The C&S parts looked fantastic with a nice satin blued finish. Then I measured them with my digital micrometer. The ordinance specifications for the sear & hammer pins are 0.110"+0/-0.002" & 0.157"+0/-0.002", respectively. RIA sear pin measured 0.1074-0.1078", and the hammer pin 0.1559". So the sear pin was slightly undersized, but the circularity & cylindricity for both were surprisingly good. The C&S pins measured in spec at 0.1080-0.1096" and 0.1559-0.1571. However, the sear pin was hour-glass shaped and the hammer pin was tapered. Both circularity & cylindricity were much poorer than the factory parts. The recoil plug that I bought from them had similar issues. Philippines 1, USA 0. Hopefully the other brands sold by Brownells can make better parts. After all, this is 2014, not 1914. Manufacturing has come a long way. Making centerless ground pins with a size tolerance of 0.002mm or 0.00008" is quite common these days. I'm crossing C&S off my list.
Solid Gear 22.12.2011
These pins have fit in every frame I've built from American Tactical, to Para Ord. The only real modification needed is the plunger tube pin. its oversized (good thing!) so make sure you fit it properly. Over all Superb quality for the price.
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