Extends Below The Receiver For Easy, Positive Operation Fits Both .22LR & .22 Mag
EDM, titanium part drops in easily to provide a big, easy-to-hit release for fast, convenient mag changes. Contoured for a comfortable fit. Light, high-tensile titanium ensures durability and performance. 10/22® is grooved for positive engagement.
SPECS: Titanium, gray, satin finish. 10/22 - Approximately ½" (12.7mm) wide, 1½" (3.8cm) tall. Fits .22 LR, .22 Mag, .22 Hornet. Does not fit Nylon Stock models.
Erstreckt sich unter dem Empfänger für eine einfache, positive Bedienung. Passt für sowohl .22LR als auch .22 Mag
EDM, Titan-Teil lässt sich einfach einsetzen und bietet einen großen, leicht zu treffenden Release für schnelle, bequeme Magazinwechsel. Konturiert für eine bequeme Passform. Leichtes, hochfestes Titan sorgt für Langlebigkeit und Leistung. 10/22® ist geriffelt für eine positive Verbindung.
SPECS: Titan, grau, satinierte Oberfläche. 10/22 - Ungefähr ½" (12,7 mm) breit, 1½" (3,8 cm) hoch. Passt für .22 LR, .22 Mag, .22 Hornet. Passt nicht für Nylon Stock Modelle.
Top Takeaways
Einfacher Einsatz mit großem, leicht zu treffendem Release für schnelle Magazinwechsel.
Ergonomisches Design sorgt für eine bequeme Passform und hohe Langlebigkeit dank leichtem Titan.
Passt für .22 LR, .22 Mag, .22 Hornet - nicht für Nylon Stock Modelle geeignet.
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.x
Kundenbewertungen (7)
4,7 / 5
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Bomb Proof 17.09.2018
Big improvement over the stock flush release. Very easy to install and use. Being made of titanium it should last forever. I like the look of raw titanium. Only a few small negatives, it does require regripping to reach it, some may find the edges sharp, and a black color options might be nice.
May not fit in Takedown 07.01.2014
I tried dropping this into my 10/22 Takedown (polymer trigger housing), but the fit was very tight and it seemed to bind on something, preventing installation, YMMV. Fitting probably would've made it work, but since the Takedown already has a decent extended mag release (albeit plastic), I just put it into my older 10/22 with metal trigger housing. Dropped into that one with no issues. As others have noted, the titanium color is a darker gray, and will not match the "stainless" parts exactly. I personally think it looks nice contrasted with the "blue" (black) parts.
color is off, but overall works good. 27.03.2012
It does not match the silver powder coat color of the Ruger, even though this pic shows it is silver. It was really sticky at first but after working it a bit and cleaning some burs off my trigger group it works fine now. I do like the ribs though, they let you know your finger found the right spot!
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Works as Advertised 21.02.2012
Have installed 3 of these on different rifles. Changning this part out is simple - regardless of who manufactured part. Fit was perfect in each rifle. Have had no issues with any of them after several thousand rounds through each rifle.
If you own a 10/22, this is a huge improvement over the factory mag release. I guarantee you won't be sorry.
Sehr empfehlenswert
works the best 01.10.2010
Installed in a flash,,Remove 2 screws and a pin, bang done,Part looks like AR-15 stuff. Used on a stainless 10/22..
Sehr empfehlenswert
works the best 29.09.2010
Pulled two screws and the push pin out , drop in the new mag release . WOW! it was way to easy to install and way too easy to use!! just a light push on the release and the mag drops out . not in the way.looks like a AR-15 type part.I installed on a Stainless 10-22..
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Erlebe schnellen Magazinwechsel mit dem 10/22® Titan Mag Release! 🛠️ Hochfestes Titan für Langlebigkeit und perfekte Passform.
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Überdimensionierter Tactical Latch für schnellen Zugriff aus allen Schießpositionen.
Einfach zu bedienen mit der linken Hand, ideal für Drei-Waffen-Schützen.
Kompatibel mit allen AR-15/M16-Typgewehren und einfache Installation ohne Büchsenmacherarbeiten.
Der Polymer-Vordergriff verbessert die Handhabung und Kontrolle deiner Waffe.
Einfach zu installieren mit einem Kreuzbolzen-Design und umkehrbaren Montageschellen.
Der kurze Griff bietet eine natürliche Handgelenkposition und hat ein Staufach für Zubehör.